Fem?Thunderstorm AU [pt. 2]

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Scarlet: So... that's the first part...

Shizuko: Yo face so ugly you give people strokes

Scarlet: ;_;

* * *

- Word got out that Thunder used to be a male and part of the superhero team. The media was shooketh.

- News of Thunder being transgender went viral. Shit hit the fan. There were people supporting her, but there were more people bashing hate.

- Her staff were intimately disgusted and quit. Thunderstorm was swarmed by media nearly every day. Fan theories were off the charts, in which none were positive.

- As a result, she was forced to shut down her company.

- She tried to ignore the hate being sent her way on the streets. Shops refused to do anything with her.

- Of course, there were people supporting her, but all of them were for her to let them see her use her powers.

- Everyone was fake, sexist, and cruel. 

- Word got to Solar. He was mortified, but if he told the others, they could possibly make things worse. So he booked a flight to America without telling the others, under the lie of taking part in a photo shoot for a couple of weeks.

- He found Thunderstorm, who was rejected entrance at a local mall. He stormed up to the guard, finger glowing and made the guy pee his pants and pass out.

- Still, Thunderstorm held no emotion. She was confused why Solar was here alone.

Solar clasped her hand. "I'm here to take you home."

Thunderstorm raised an eyebrow lightly. She didn't believe what she was hearing. "Why? I can't fight. I'll just be a nuisance to you guys."

Without warning, Solar pulled her into an embrace. He felt warm, which was something she never felt in years.

"You're not just a powerful teammate, Storm," he said softly. "You're our family."

- Thus came the squad #ThundyProtectionSquad.

- Thunderstorm agreed to return. When she reached home, she apologized to everyone for being immature.

- Cyclone was laughing/crying all day. Thorn hung by Thunderstorm for the week.

- Her room was still as she left it, and they had preserved it ever since she fled.

- Of course she felt guilty. She held a compromise with Quake that she would settle their meals from now on.

"Are you sure?" Quake frowned. She'd only returned for two weeks. He didn't want to let her handle something as big as this on her own.

Thunderstorm nodded sternly. "I've handled a hundred and seventy dishes before I was rich. I can handle three courses."

Ice closed the fridge. "Thanks, mom."

- And that was how Thunderstorm proved that her aim of throwing chairs at people was still intact.

- Quake wasn't satisfied. He would assist her in every way, but she proved that she can fare in the kitchen just fine, and maybe even better. She'd spent years in a kitchen serving famous restaurants, after all.

- As another week passed, Quake found himself thinking of her all the time.

- Since Thunderstorm still refused to battle, she helped Solar in his calculations. He told her that he didn't need her help since - well, he's Solar. He's the smart guy.

- Not so much in maths anymore. Thunderstorm's reflexes was always faster than him, and ever since she had to handle a massive company, she trained herself in mental math. He gave Solar precise answers before he even processed the question thoroughly.

- Solar would ask her how to handle press, because she had it more than them. They exchanged information on various topics on a daily basis - when she was making lunch, when they were discussing battle strategies. Thunderstorm, despite swearing off battles, she was a demon when it came to the battlefield itself. Her strategies held no mercy and flaw. 

- But sometimes, she's too serious. (This is Thunder we're talking about. She's serious of everything possible.) When Solar jokes that they should go to a desert to collect a sand sample of an oasis so they could calculate the effects of wind direction, she actually packed their luggage and booked flights before he could say what the fuck.

- When Solar admits that it's a joke, Thunderstorm blushes for being an idiot.

- There goes Solar's heart.

- Quake and Solar knew that these feelings were wrong. Like, burning ice kind of wrong. Thunderstorm would feel weird if a guy proposed to her because... yeah... you get the point.

- But then, a wild Blaze and a wild Cyclone appears!

- Blaze wasn't so subtle about shit. Neither was Cyclone. They screamed they wanted Thunderstorm and bam, that's how they ended up grounded because they trashed the living room.

- Thunderstorm knew their fight and sighed. 

- Thorn, meanwhile, "I want Thunderstorm to love me too but why do they need to yell?"

- Ice, trying not to corrupt his innocent mind: "They're fighting over who gets to hang out with Thunder more."

- Thorn: "What? Couldn't they just hang out with her together?"

- Quake and Solar both exchanged knowing glances. From where this is going, Thunderstorm might end up leaving again.

- Thunderstorm ends up getting kidnapped by Bora-ra in order to execute his revenge. He knows that she had left the battlefield years ago. He offers her to join his gang along with the power to destroy whatever she touches.

- She denies, of course. You ain't getting this girl to join your run-down gang because of your issues. She becomes his personal beating bag, and a declaration of war. If they don't surrender themselves, he'll kill her.

- Thunderstorm might not want to fight, but she's damn smart. She managed to escape her restraints and set the ship to shutdown-self-destruct. They couldn't get to her, or Bora-ra will kill them all. 

- Yoyo-Oo and KikiTa both immediately shot her in the chest. Bora-ra and his gang escaped, leaving only Thunderstorm to die in the ship that was about to blow.

- Solar saved her. He blasted a hole in the ship as Cyclone carried them both away before the ship was destroyed.

- She was hospitalized for weeks because her watch wasn't there to heal her. After she returned again, she took the oath on not fighting and slammed it into the trash because it was stupid as fuck.

- Solar helped her get back in shape with her powers. Through the process, Solar confessed and she accepted to give him a chance.

- But do anything stupid and she'll kill him.

- Quake and the others respected her choice and started placing bets on the wedding.

"I bet next year!" Cyclone declared.

"What!? Then next month!" Blaze slammed his betting cookies on the table.

"Deal!" They shook hands.

Quake rolled his eyes as Ice's face met the table.

- If there was anything good that came out of this, it was a female body didn't have any particular weaknesses in the crotch and it was more flexible to kick ass with.

Boboiboy Shitpost BookOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara