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Lyra (2)

With my luggage, I walked to the ship that docked at the island. I had two large duffle bags on each of my shoulders and in my hands were a bunch of blankets and my siblings' coats.

I was slow going up the ramp because I didn't want to drop anything or lose my balance.

"I got it."

The blankets and coats were taken away from me. When I saw who grabbed them, I slightly smiled. "Thanks."

Mako nodded.

We walked onto the ship and set everything down. I called Ikki and Meelo over, "I have your coats. Come put them on."

The two came over and I kneeled down to place them on. Once they were buttoned in the appropriate places, they ran off. I stood back up as Mako cleared his throat.

"Lyra, I..." Mako rubbed the back of his neck slowly, his nose scrunched up. "Last night, I shouldn't have yelled at you. We could've talked about it maturely on our own, but my jealousy took over. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too. I should've told you that Shin and I were still friends."

Mako wrapped his arms around me then pulled me into him. "I do trust you, Lyra, more than anything."

I grab the ends of his scarf then pull him down. His lips gently meet mine. Mako places his hand behind my head to deepen the kiss.

If only I could get you alone right now.


Finally, we reached the South Pole. As we all walked down the ramp on the ship, I hug Mako's arm.

"Gran-Gran!" My siblings ran down and hugged our Grandmother.

"Oh, you all gotten so big." Katara says. Mako and I make our way over to them. I remove myself from Mako and hug Aunt Kya. "It's so good to see you."

"Yeah, we missed you Aunt Kya!"

She laughs lightly, "Oh, I missed you too. Your father doesn't bring you to visit nearly enough." Kya walks over to my father who joined us with my mother and Uncle Bumi.

She playfully punches his arm, "He's probably scared I'll beat him up like when we were kids."

"I'm not scared of you!" My father responds, trying to sound confident. He then slumps his shoulders down and rubs where Kya hit. "Anymore."

"Am I invisible?"

I turn around and a woman about Katara's age stood there with her hands on her hips. Her hair was grey and in two long ponytails.

She walks over to me with a smile. "You're just as Iroh described. Just much more beautiful in person."

"Lyra, this is Ruka." My father introduces.

I widen my eyes, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't recognize you."

"You were just a baby when we met. It would be odd if you recognized me." She laughs.

I nervously do the same, "Hehe... right. Of course." I look behind her, "Is there anyone else with you?"

Ruka shakes her head, "My children have their own responsibilities going on. And my husband doesn't like the cold."

I was slightly relieved, but also disappointed. I slowly nod, "I see."

Her aqua colored eyes avert to Mako who stood there quietly next to me. "And who is this handsome young man?"

Mako places his hand out, "I'm Mako - Lyra's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ruka."

She shakes his hand with a smile. "Please - Ruka is just fine." She then turns and places her hand on my arm, "I'm going to greet the others. Excuse me."

When she walks off, Mako and I go to join Korra and parents.

On the way, Mako puts his arm around and squeezes me into his side. "See, she loves you."

I slightly shrug, "Yeah, I guess. I'm a little bummed out no one else came though." He loosens his grip around me, but still keeps his arm around. Mako furrows his brows, "But I thought you weren't ready to meet anyone?"

I look up at him, "I'm not. But when will I be ready?" I frown as I look forward. "Maybe another time."

Tonrag, Senna, and I give our hellos and hugs.  We all then turn to Bolin who confidently walks over, "Wow! Look at all these people who came out to greet us!"

"Uh, no. They came to greet them." Korra points to a large, fancy Water Tribe ship that just docked. The crowd begins to cheer.

"The Great Chief of the Northern Water Tribe comes to grace us with his presence. Hooray." Tonraq says sarcastically with his arms crossed, an unamused expression on his face.

"Just relax, Tonraq. He'll be gone soon enough." Senna assures her husband. He heaved a loud sigh.

An older man walks down from the ship with two younger people behind him. I presumed they were twins since they looked exactly alike.

"Woah, who are the lovely ladies?" Bolin asks Korra with a smirk.

"That's Eska and Desna, the Chief's children." Korra answers. "Desna is a guy."

Bolin widens his eyes before laughing. "Oh no, sure. I knew that... which one is Desna?"

I honestly couldn't tell either.

"Good to see you again, Avatar Korra." The Chief bows. Korra does the same, "Good to see you too."

The Chief and Tonraq face each other unpleasantly.



There was serious tension between the two. I cock a brow as my eyes move back and forth between them.  I didn't even know he had a brother.

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