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Lyra (2)

We followed the Spirits using Oogi. They lead us in the center of several rocks standing in a circle. There were vines hugging all around them, clearly old. As we looked around, Korra noticed there were markings on the rocks.

"Look, there are carvings on them."

I walked closer and saw for myself. "You're right. They're air symbols."

"This is an ancient airbender meditation circle." My father admired.

"There's a lot of spiritual energy in this place, but it feels really strange." Jinora said.

"We'll have to perform a spiritual cleansing ceremony."

"What are you talking about?" Uncle Bumi asked. My father slightly turned his head, "Dad taught it to me. This sight has been neglected for many years. A cleansing ceremony will help strengthen its connection to the Spirit World."

We all sat around in the middle as my father bends smoke from an incense around the circle. This made the spirit bunnies fly away.

Uncle Bumi crossed his arms, "Good job, you cleansed the area of the only spirits that want to help us. And you scared away Bum-Ju."

Everyone ignored him as we continued to watch my father. Underneath, rumbling began to happen. "It's working." My father breathed.

Then in the middle of us, hundreds of thousands of what looked like bats flew up and scattered around us. We shielded ourselves with our arms.

"Ah, bats! Evil bats!" Uncle Bumi exclaimed. We turned around and ran behind the standing rocks. "Not bats! Evil Spirits!" Korra corrected him.

We all used our bending to try to keep them away, but it was no use.

"What are we supposed to do?!" My father asked.

Korra then ran into the middle and began to focus. I watched her bend water around the dark spirits and began to mimic the same moves Unalaq uses.

As the water began to glow, the dark spirits did too. They disappeared with a bright light and it looked beautiful. The vines all around began to move away as well.

"Your spiritual training has come a long way." My father told Korra as he approached her.

"Unalaq may be a horrible person, but his spirit powers are no joke." Korra said.

My father slightly looked down with a frown, "He taught you how to transform dark spirits. I can't even get you into the Spirit World."

"Everything Unalaq taught me was to help himself. Everything you've done was meant to help me. I am so sorry for turning my back on you as my mentor. I need you now more than ever."

"I won't let you down."

My father and Korra embraced in a hug and we watched from the sidelines with a smile.

"The ancient airbenders must have built this site. If we meditate here, we'll be able to enter the spirit world." My father said once they parted.

"Why don't you go first?" Korra asked him.

"After all these years, my father's dream for me will finally come true."

I walked over to him and gently held his arm. "He's so proud of you, Dad."

"She's right." Aunt Kya modded. "We all are."


It was nightfall already and my father still wasn't able to enter the Spirit World. But we all patiently watched him. That is except for Uncle Bumi.

He began to poke my father's back with a long stick, repeatedly. "You in the Spirit World yet?"

"No, I am not," My father then used his bending to snatch the stick out of his brother's hand and toss it forward. "and stop bugging me!"

"It's okay, Tenzin. Maybe you weren't meant to guide Korra into the Spirit World." Aunt Kya said.

"No! Just give me some time."

"Stop being so stubborn. It's not your destiny."
Aunt Kya stepped forward. "I think Jinora was meant to guide the Avatar."

My father turned around quickly, clearly upset over her suggestion. "Jinora will not enter the Spirit World! She's not ready for the dangers of the other side."

"Then who is, dad?" I asked him.

"I am." He responded.

I shook my head slowly, "No, you're not. You've been trying, but it's not working. Accept it, dad."

"I've spent years training, studying, and mastering everything there is to know about the Spirit World! My father argued.

"Tenzin, we're running out of time!" Korra pleaded. My father turned around, his back facing us. "If everyone could just be quiet and let me focus!"

I looked down at Jinora who was looking up at me. I sent her a small smile. She walked over to my father and grabbed his hand. "Aunt Kya is right. I can guide Korra into the Spirit World. I'll be all right."

My father turned to face us and when his eyes landed on mine, I nodded. "This is the right thing."

"Perhaps I will never have the connection with spirits like I always wanted..." He sadly looked away from us. "like my father wanted me to have."

Jinora hugged him. "It's okay, daddy."

"I'm proud of you." He then turned to Korra. "Go. Close the portal. We'll wait here and keep your body's safe till you return."

"We'll be alright." Korra assured.

Soon after, Korra and Jinora say sat from each other. They meditated together and after a few minutes, Korra eyes lit up brightly.

I grinned, "They're in!"

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