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Lyra (2)

Before Tonraq left, Mako and I talked to him.

"Don't worry, Sir. We'll keep an eye on Korra for you." Mako reassures him. I nod in agreement, "She'll get home and safe and sound. I promise."

"Thank you both." He gives Mako and firm handshake then gives me a quick side hug. As he got onto his snowmobile, he looked to Mako one last time. "Keep an eye on this one, too." Tonraq chuckles. "She's a troublemaker."

I playfully roll my eyes and wave him off. "I'm not so bad."

"I got her too." Mako smiles. "Have a safe trip." We watch Tonraq speed off back to the tribe.

"It isn't fair. He shouldn't have to go." I pout. Mako places his hand on my arm then gives it a gentle squeeze. "I know. C'mon, they're waiting for us."

We turn and join the others. Mako and I had to ride with the rest of the way with Korra while the twins took our camel. Bolin was being dragged in a small sled from behind.

We continue on with only a few more miles to go, according to Unalaq.

"So, what exactly were you and my dad talking about?" Korra glances back to ask Mako and I. With her tone of voice, it's was obvious she wasn't happy about the exchange.

"Nothing. He was just worried about you, that's all." Mako answers. Korra scoffs, "Y'know, sometimes I wonder whose side you're on."

I poke my head out from behind Mako. "There shouldn't be any sides."

"We all just wanna help however we can." Mako adds. "You have to trust that we're here for you."

Korra doesn't respond back. Instead, she stops Naga then looks out at the horizon. There were large glaciers that shined beautifully ahead.

"We've arrived." Unalaq states. We all hop off of the animals and observe the sight in front of us.

"Trees frozen in ice." Korra observed.

"It's just like the sacred forest Tonraw destroyed in the North." Unalaq says.

"So what do I do?" Korra asks him. Unalaq steps forward, "You must find your way to the heart of the forest where the spirit portal lies. From here, you're on your own."

I cock my brow at Unalaq. "Woah, woah. You're the only one who knows how to control the spirits with your magic-spirit bending. What if Korra runs into some?" I shake my head. "It's too dangerous."

"There's no way she's going alone."

"Yeah! If she goes, we go too!"

"The Avatar must go alone." Unalaq says.

"But I don't have any connection to the spirits. In fact, it seems like they hate me." Korra tells her Uncle, her voice uneasy.

"You have to believe in yourself." He reassures her with his hand on her shoulder. "Like I believe in you."

Korra turns away from him with a frown.

"What is it?"

"I guess I'm just so used to people telling me how to do things that I forgot what it was like to have someone trust in me." She smiles.

I elbow Mako and he looks down at me. I furrow my brows, "So what are we? Nonexistent?" I whisper to him. He sends me a weary smile then waves it off. "I'm sure she doesn't mean it that way."

"Wait here." Korra tells Bolin, Mako, and I. "I'll be okay." We watch her start to make her way to the glaciers.

"Good luck."


As we waited for Korra, Mako and I stood away from the others. We laid back on Naga, our arms crossed.

I look out the glaciers for a moment before averting my eyes down to the ground covered in white.

"What are you thinking about?" Mako asks. I
shake my head slowly. "Nothing."

Mako raises his hand and gently presses his thumb on my forehead. "You get this crease here when something is bothering you or when you're upset. So, what's going on in that spontaneous brain of yours?"

It warmed my heart that knew that small little detail about me. How he really pays attention to me. I sigh as I grab his hand and bring it back down to his side. I turn around and dig through my bag, pulling out the envelope with my name written on the front. I handed it to Mako without saying a word.

When he opened the flap, I shook my head quickly. "Do - don't open it." He quickly closed it then then looked at me with his brows furrowed. "You haven't read it?"

I shook my head once again. "It's from Fire Lord Izumi."

"You're grandmother?" Mako asks as he glances down at the letter. "How did you get this?"

"Izumi gave it to Ruka before she left for the festival then Ruka gave it to me before we left for the South." I explained to him. "She said all of my questions are answered in that little envelope." I point to it in his hands.

"Why haven't you read it?"

"Because I don't think I am."

"What? Why?"

"If it says something in there that I don't want to know, I'll just feel horrible. She's the Fire Lord for spirits sakes!"

Mako puts the envelope into my hand then sends me a reassuring smile. "Read it, Ly. You'll regret it if you don't."

I look down at it then sigh. I slowly open the flap and take out the folded paper...

My head snaps forward as a light beams straight into the sky. The southern lights engulf the sky beautifully - around us were pretty shades of blue and green. I watch in amazement before I punch my fist in the air, grinning.

"She did it! Korra did it!"

I jump onto Mako and I stay on his side with his arm wrapped around me. "She really did it..."

I hum to myself when Mako kisses my head.

Once we spot Korra walking back, we rush over to her. After she speaks with Bolin and Unalaq, Mako and I step to her.

"You did great, Korra. I'm proud of you." I tell her with a small smile.

"Thanks." She responds before slightly frowning down at the floor. "By the way, I'm really sorry for being a total pain. Things were really stressful and confusing. It's hard being the Avatar."

I punch her shoulder playfully, smirking. "It's harder being the Avatar's best friend."

We all laugh together then embrace in a group hug. Go ahead Fire Lord, give it your all. I can handle it.

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