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Lyra (2)

Throughout the night, we took shifts to watch their bodies. It was morning now and my father and I sat up together.

We waited in silence - comforting silence - watching their chests move with every breath.

Then we all jumped as Korra gasped for air suddenly. She was sweating and looked startled. My father and I ran over to her.

"What was it like?" My father quickly asked. "Did you manage to close the portal? Was Jinora able to help you?"

"Tenzin..." Korra looked like a wreck. Her voice was slow. "I-I'm sorry." She turned to face Jinora. My father and I followed.

She was still in the same position. Her eyes were closed - her body didn't move an inch.

"Where's Jinora?" My father's eyes widened. "Why isn't she waking up?!"

He ran over to her and cradled her body. His voice cracked, "Korra, what happened to my little girl?"

I looked over at her and she was speechless.

"Answer him." I demanded.

"She- she... I had her. We were together. But  Unalaq - he has her.  He wouldn't let her go. I tried to stay and fight, but I wasn't strong enough."

"How did you manage to get out?" I asked.


"I trusted you..." My father held on tighter to Jinora's body. "You convinced me and I trusted you!"

"I know, Tenzin. I'm so sorry."

"I trusted you!"

"Dad!" I looked back and forth to them. "What we need to do is try and get her back. Not point fingers. Get yourselves together and let's handle this."


We flew on Oogi back to the temple. As we were landing, I saw my younger siblings playing while my mother picked some flowers.

We stayed quiet, not knowing how to approach my mother with the news.

She walked over, looking around. "Where's Jinora?"

Slowly, my father stood while lifting her body up in his arms.

My mother's eyes were wide and full of pain. "No." She breathed out in agony, letting the flowers drop to the ground.

We got down to the floor and my father gently handed Jinora to my mother. "Her spirit is trapped in the spirit world, but she's going to be alright."

"How could this happen?!"

"It was all my fault." My father said, looking down the floor painfully. "I should have never let Jinora into the spirit world without me. I couldn't protect her!"

"I'm so sorry, Pema. I tried to save her, but Unalaq tricked me." Korra explained.

"Don't worry, honey. I'm not going to stop until  our little girl is back safe with us." My father brushed the back of his hand down Jinora's hair.

I placed my hand onto my mother's shoulder. "She's stronger than she looks. She'll be okay."

"We need to get back home immediately." My father said.

We all stood up and got ready to head back to Republic City.


When we reached the City, it was already dark. We left my mother and siblings back at the island while we looked for the President to let him know what was going on.

At the Arena, we saw many press outside taking pictures and some police cars. We got everyone's attention when we landed.

We hopped off and ran straight toward the President. "President Raiko!"

"Avatar Korra. What's wrong?"

"Sir, I know I've asked for your help before, but things have changed. Unalaq doesn't just wanna take over the South anymore. He wants to destroy the whole world." Korea explained to him.

"Unalaq is going to destroy the world?!" Bolin exclaimed. "He really does have a doomstate device?" His sleeves were ripped off from his suit, which I'll ask about later.

"He's trying to release a powerful dark spirit during harmonic convergence which is only a few days away. If he succeeds, the world as we know it is over. Sir, we desperately need your help."

The President looked away to think for a moment before simply saying no. "I'm sorry, Korra. But my answer is still no."

My father stepped forward. "There are lives on the line! My daughter is one of them. Raiko, you must reconsider."

"I'm aware that lives are on the line and that's precisely why my troops are staying here. If the world is going into chaos like you claim, I need to protect my citizens."

"My sister is one of your citizens!" I said.

Bolin stepped to the President, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Sir, Nuktuk needs your help. I know you love helping people."

"Son, I appreciate you saving my life and I'm a fan of your work, but my decision is final." He then walked away.

"Some President he is." I grumbled.

"I never should've saved that guy." Bolin muttered.

"If you need help, I'm here for you." Asami walked over with a smile. Bolin nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, me too!"

"Thank you." Korra said. "It's so good to see you guys again."

As they talked some more, I looked around for Mako. I didn't see him with the other officers nor in any fancy suit with the others.

"Hey, where's Mako?" I asked. "Could he not make it here?"

Bolin and Asami looked to each other guiltily.

"What's going on?"

Asami nudged Bolin and he sighed. "He's in jail."

My eyes widened. "What?!"

"About that, looks like your boyfriend is innocent." Chief Beifong said as she walked over. "We should go get him out of that cell."

"Innocent? He was guilty in the first place?"

"I'll explain on the way." Bolin patted my shoulder and I followed him to a police car.

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