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Lyra (2)

"I talked to the rebels - they said Unalaq's got the Southern Portal surrounded. Harmonic Convergence is only a few hours away."

"Then we have to break through the enemy lines ourselves and get to the portal now." My father said.

"There's no use in talking anymore. We know what our mission is." Korra looked over at us.

"A suicide mission." Bolin mumbled. I crossed my arms. "Is Nuktuk scared now?"

"No!" Bolin then frowned. "A little."

"Y'know, I was in a similar situation once. My platoon had crawled through the desert with no water for a week! But when we finally located the only oasis for a hundred miles, it was surrounded by angry sand benders! I realized our only chance to get to the water was to drop in from above! So I created a catapult and with a help of a few well trained hog monkeys-" We all stared at Bumi as he told another one of his stories, but my father angrily cut him off.

"Enough of your ridiculous lies! Can't you see that the fate of the world and Jinora's life depends on what we do here today?!"

"Hold on -" Asami interjected. "Maybe Bumi's right. We don't have a catapult and hog monkeys, but we have a flying bison and there's a plane on Varrick's ship. Maybe we can attack from above."

"What are you thinking?" Korra asked her.

"Mako, Bolin, and I can use the plane to create a distraction and scatter some of the defenses. You five can fly into the spirit portal on Oogi when you see an opening." She explained.

Korra nodded, determination etched on her face. "Let's get moving."

I started to make my way over to Oogi with my father and the others. But Mako stepped in front of me to stop me. "Be careful, okay?"

I nodded slowly. "You too. Please."

We went our separate ways and got ready to leave.


We flew next to the plane until Asami gave us the signal. Oogi flew higher above them so we can enter the portal secretly. You can see it from miles away - the bright light shining through the sky.

However, when we grew closer, we saw mecha tanks and the tribe's army ready for our arrival.

I slightly widened my eyes. "They knew."

I watched Asami dodge the attacks and Bolin and Mako sending their own to the tribe. From what I saw, they were being successful.

"There are spirits everywhere." Korra pointed. "I don't see an opening."

"Let's circle around and find a way in from the other side." My father said.

As we grew closer, dark spirits started to fly right to us. "Hold on!" My father warned.

Dark spirits started to surround Oogi. I blasted a blast of fire at each one that came to me. But some of them managed to hang onto Oogi from under him.

"The spirits are weighing Oogi down! We're losing altitude!" My father yelled.

"Get off of him you sticky, nasty, little blob of fool!" Uncle Bumi was kicking one of them off, but ended up slipping.

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