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Lyra (2)

I stood outside of Aimi's room that night. I wanted to turn the doorknob. I wanted to walk in and ask her if she was ready. But I just kept replaying Lily's words from earlier over and over again in my head.

I shook my head and stepped forward. I put my hand on the doorknob and slightly turned it, but I couldn't push the door open. I sighed and carefully removed my hand away. I walked away from the door and out of the orphanage.

It felt like the longest walk ever back to Mako's apartment. I took the spare key from under the pot out in the hallway and unlocked the door. After placing it back in its hiding spot, I walk into the apartment.

I was surprised when I saw Mako sitting on the couch, his head in his hands.

"Hey." I said softly as I shut the door and locked it. "You're home early."

"The March ended sooner than we thought." he picked his head up and turned to me. "There was this huge explosion and we told everyone to leave home unless they wanted to get arrested."

I slightly widened my eyes, "Oh, wow. Is everyone okay?"

He nodded. "What about you? I thought you said you had something planned and to not wait up for you."

"Ah, but you did anyway." I said, plopping down on the couch next to him. Mako just stared at me, waiting for me to answer his question. I sighed. "One of the ladies at the orpanage said something to me about my attachment to Aimi. I didn't think it was a problem, but I was thinking about it all day and she's right. I mean, Aimi could be gone tomorrow. Parting ways would hurt the both of us, and I don't want to do that to her."

"So what are going to do? Quit?" Mako asked me. I wearily shrugged. "I don't know."

He rubbed my back slowly. "You'll figure it out."

I nodded slowly. As he continued to rub my back, I leaned my head down in the crook of his neck.

"We're both tired. Let's call it a day."

"Just a few more minutes." I said slowly.



I had just come back from the market from getting a few groceries. This morning when I looked into Mako's fridge, there was only old fruit and glass of water. I figured if I was going to stay here for a couple more days, we'd better stock up on some food.

"I think I got enough for the week. I hope your hungry!" I was struggling to open the door with the bags in my hands. When I walked in, Mako wasn't where I lost saw him in the living room.

On top of the counter, there was a note.

After placing the bags on the counter, I grabbed the note and began to read:

Found some more evidence and headed back to the station to fill the Chief in. Don't wait up for me, I think it's going to be a long night. Goodnight, love you.
- Mako.

"Hm," I began to take out the groceries one by one. I really didn't want to be here at the apartment the rest of the night on my own, so I came up with an idea.


"Hi, where's Officer Mako's desk?" I asked the very first man I saw. He pointed over to a desk and I smiled when I saw Mako seated, writing into a notebook.

I made my way over and when he looked up and caught sight of me, he slightly frowned. "Lyra, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?"

I nodded quickly as I sat on the edge of his desk. "Everything is fine." I handed him a takeout box. "I brought you dinner."

Mako sighed in relief before smiling. "You scared me." He took the box and opened it. It was his favorite dinner that I always made back when they still lived in the arena.

"I know you've been feeling kinda stressed lately, so I thought I'd do something nice for you." I shrugged.

"I love it, thank you." Mako grabbed my hand and leaned to kiss me. But before our lips could touch, the double doors of the room bursted open.

Korra stood there with her leg in the air, clearly being the one to have kicked it.

She stormed over to the both of us angrily. "You ratted me out to the President?!"

I snapped my head at Mako with my brows furrowed. "Mako?"

"Korra, let me explain." He started. I crossed my arms, "You really did?"

She placed her hand on her hip. "Explain why my best friend stabbed me in the back?"

"Look, the President of the Republic asked me a direct question. What was I supposed to do?" He asked.

Korra slammed her hands on the desk and got in his face. "You betrayed me and my family!"

I stood up from the desk and placed my hand on her. "Back up, Korra." She swatted my arm away with the back of her hand, making me push her back.

She shoved me to the desk and before she could kick me with it, Mako grabbed my arm and pulled me away. The desk went flying to the other side of room and papers were flying down everywhere.

"Enough! Look, I have a job to do. I can't constantly be worrying about keeping you from making another huge mistake!"

"Oh, no, but you have time to worry about if your girlfriend is going to leave you or not! Have you told her how you're scared of her being more successful than you, Mako!?"

"What are you talking about?!" I asked her, but of course she wasn't going to explain. So I turned my head to Mako. "What is she talking about?!"

Korra scoffed. "I have a job to do too. It seems like you're always standing in the way of me getting it done!"

"I think we all need a break!" I glanced at Mako. "You're welcome for the dinner." I walked off and ignored the calls from Mako.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 2 > LOKМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя