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Lyra (2)

"I'll be okay, Mako." I said while I zipped up my bag full of clothes. "I'll only be gone for a couple days."

"It's not that. How am I supposed to know if you got to the Eastern Air Temple safely?" I watched him walk back and forth in the room nervously. I shrugged. "You won't. That's fun in it."

Mako stopped walking and glared at me. "Lyra, I'm serious."

I chuckled, "I'm kidding. Let's go through it again: I'm taking one of the Sky Bison from the island so I'll get there twice as fast. My dad made me memorize all the ways to get to each temple when I was younger and I've been there before so I'm more than confident that I won't get lost."

"It just stresses me out not knowing." Mako sighed. "And me not being there for you."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him. "You're stressed enough, babe. I'm sorry I can't join you for your operation, I have to get there before they leave."

"I know. You should go see your family, it'll be good for you." He kissed top of my head.

"Tell Asami I said hello and be careful." I pulled away from him then grabbed my bags from the bed. I strapped them onto my back and shoulders and walked out of the room.

Mako met me at the door and before I walked out, I pressed my lips against his. "I love you."

"I love you too."


After a full day of flying, I had finally arrived at the Temple safely. I landed at the appropriate spot for bison then hopped off with my bags.

"Who might you be?" An air acolyte asked me. I softly smiled, "I know it's been awhile. I'm Lyra, Master Tenzin and Pema's daughter."

"Of course!" She smiled wide. "My, have you grown! Please, follow me. I'll take you to your family."

"Thank you."

I followed her through the temple and it was just as beautiful as I remembered. The sun shined brightly and the grass was greener than lemons and the flowers bloomed perfectly as if it was spring.

As we turned a corner, I could hear my father's voice. "...including ancient statues, ancient gardens, and the meditation hall used by ancient airbenders."

When my family came into view, I made myself known. "Sounds fun."

Everyone turned their heads and all of their eyes widened. "Lyra!?" "Lyra's here!" "Hello sister!"

"My goodness! What a surprise!" My father grinned, running over to me and hugged me tightly. "Is there something wrong? Are you alright?"

I nodded quickly. "Nothing is wrong. I missed you and needed a break from the city. So I decided to join you all and finish the vacation. Hope I'm not too late."

"Nonsense! I'm happy you're here." My father finally let go of me, letting everyone else greet me. The kids hugged my legs and I held Rohan as I kissed my mother on the cheek. Aunt Kya and Uncle Bumi were last, but certainly not least.

"How did you get here?" Aunt Kya asked me.

"I took one of the bison from the island. It had been awhile since I flew one on my own, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly." I said.

"How did you know where we were?" My mother then asked. I pointed to my father, "He made me memorize your schedule just in case I changed my mind."

"And I knew you would." My father smirked, clearly proud. I chuckled. "Yes dad. You were right."

I looked at my father who stared passed me. When I turned, Korra was walking over to us. As the kids ran to her, my father looked down at me. "Did you two travel together?"

I shook my head. "No. I actually haven't seen her for a few days."

My mother and Aunt Kya asked her the same questions they asked me. And Korra responded with the same answer. "Tenzin's itinerary. We went over it like a hundred times before we left Republic City."

"See, this is why schedules are important." My father said.

"It's so great to see you all again." Korra grinned.

"It's great to see you too, but why aren't you training at the South Pole?" My father asked.

Korra raised her brows. "Wait, you don't know about the Civil War?"

"What? No. We've been out of touch with the outside world since we started our vacation." My father responded.

Uncle Bumi pointed an accusing finger at his brother. "Tenzin's idea. What happened?"

"So much." Korra shrugged. "I don't know where to start."

"Just tell us everything!"

"Everything? Okay." Korra took in a deep breath before quickly explaining the past few weeks. "I opened a spirit portal at the South Pole but then Unalaq turned out to be a bad guy and wanted to take control of the South, so I sort of started a civil war, but when I went to find some help, I was attacked by my cousins and then by a giant, dark spirit, and then I forgot who I was, and then I met the first Avatar, and then I realized I shouldn't have opened the portal in the first place, and now I need to close it again!"

Everyone had the same shocked faces, including me. And I was there!

"I knew this would happen." My father said. "Come Korra, I want to know every detail."

My father stepped away and before Korra could follow him, she stopped next to me. "Listen, Lyra... about everything that happened-"

"You and Mako were both stressed out and said things you didn't mean. Don't worry, we sorted it out and we're fine." I reassured her. She sighed in relief, "Good. He really loves you."

I nodded. "I know. It's good to see you."

"You too." We gave each other a quick hug before she ran off to catch up to my father.

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