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Lyra (2)

I groaned as I lift myself up from the bed. I heard loud crashes and yells coming from outside, what in the spirits is going on out there?

I shivered when I pull the blanket off of me. Even in this little hut, it was so cold.

I stand up and go to place on my coat that hung on a chair. I wrap my arms around myself as I make my way outside.

I look around with my eyes squinted. The wind blowing on my face and snow around made it a little harder for me to see since I just woke up. Things weren't quite registering yet.

However, when I saw Mako and Bolin on the floor in the snow - not making snow angels - my eyes widened. I was fully awake now.

I ran to over to them both and kneeled between them. "Are you guys okay?" I asked them as they sat up slowly.

My father and Tonraq quickly joined us. "What's going on?!"

"Something up there is attacking Korra." Bolin answered, pointing to the top of the cliff. When I saw their trails coming from atop, I realized they rolled off.

Tonraq left to help Korra. My father inspected me for a moment before asking, "Are you hurt?"

I shake my head, "No, I just got here." I turn my head to Mako. "What is it?"

He shrugs. "Some sort of creature - I don't know."

"It's really mad though." Bolin added.

"I might have an idea." My father leaves us and follows where Tonraq went.

I help both brothers up from the deep snow. I turn my body and I brush off ice from Mako's shoulders and back. But my attention immediately averted away from them when I saw my father land onto the floor a few feet away from us.


We all run to him. This time, Uncle Bumi and Aunt Kya were now outside. As we helped him up, I asked him, "What is it? And why is so upset?"

"An angry spirit. Recently, they've been attacking the South, being spiritually unbalanced." My father responded.

We all begin to run to the scene, however, it was now moved to the festival grounds. We watch Korra strike at the spirit from an air tornado. When the spirit throws her down, we speed up.

By the time we reached the bottom, Unalaq was already taking matter into his own hands. He encircles the spirit with water, putting it into a sort of trance. In seconds, the water begins to glow brightly and soon, the spirit does too.

The spirit slowly walks off then disappears peacefully.

I widen my eyes in amazement. "You saw that, too. Right?"

Mako nods, "Yeah. I did."

I grab Mako's hand and pull him to join my father and Tonraq with Korra and Unalaq.

"How were you able to control that spirit when no one else could?" Korra asks Unalaq.

"As your father could tell you, I've spent my life studying the spirits and learning their ways. All of this knowledge is lost in the South, but I could teach you everything I know."

"Chief Unalaq," My father gets his attention. "Clearly you are very knowledgeable, but Korra still has much to learn about airbending and I hope that going to the Air Temples will help her connect with the past Avatars."

"The Air Temples will teach her nothing. Only I can give her the training she needs to be a complete Avatar." Unalaq says.

"I've told you that will not happen." Tonraq interjects.

"Hey! I'm right here. Anyone want to ask me what I think?" Korra rhetorically asks.

"Korra, please, listen." My father begs.

"I'm tired of listening to you! Both of you! You keep me locked up telling me you know what's best, but both of you were powerless against the Spirit attack!" Korra slightly frowns. "I think it's time I had a new teacher."

My father looks down sadly.

"Now Korra-"

"Unalaq has proven he's the only one who knows what I need to learn. I have to go with him."

I put my hands in fists and bite on my tongue.

"Please, I know you're angry. But we've come so far together." My father tries once again. But he fails.

"I'm sorry, Tenzin." Korra crosses her arms, "This is as far as we go."

My father takes a few seconds to take in what she says. "It has been a pleasure serving you, Avatar Korra."

I look away from her in disappointment.
Don't say anything. Don't say anything.

When my father bows respectfully at her and walks away, it triggered me. I step forward and shove Korra back.

"What the-"

"How could you? My dad taught you everything. Everything! And you're just going to stab him in the back like that?" When I take another step toward her, Mako wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me back. "Lyra, stop."

With his arms around me, he guides me away from the scene, not letting me turn back.


It was later that night and I sat awake, unable to sleep. I pull the end of the blanket that was around me over my shoulder more.

Mako sighs as he sits down next to me. It's quiet between the two of us for a minute before he speaks slowly. "I, uh... I talked to Korra. I asked her if it was okay if you stayed. She said she doesn't mind."

I scoff. "I don't need you to ask for me." I then snap my head at him, "And I definitely don't need her permission."

"C'mon, Ly. You tried to start a fight with her - of course I needed to ask."

"I barely touched her."

Mako cocked his brow at me and I roll my eyes. "Whatever. And what if I didn't want to stay? The plan was to enjoy the festival then go to the Temples. Why are you going to follow Korra?"

"Because we're Team Avatar." Mako places his hand on my head and gently brings it down under his chin. "Besides, you said you've already been to the Temples, so... please stay. I need you here. With me."

I look up at him then nod. "Okay."

His kisses my head and I lean down on his chest. We stayed together in each other's arms and eventually fell asleep.

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