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Lyra (2)

I sat with my Aunt Kya as she gave Jinora another healing session. It's been almost a week since they entered the Spirit World.

"Is she showing any progress?" I asked.

Aunt Kya shook her head sadly. "No. Her energy isn't as strong anymore."

I looked down at Jinora who laid unconsciously in the tub of water. I sighed, picking her up from under her body and carrying her to the bed in the room.

"Let's get her dried up and then we can go talk to my dad." I said. Aunt Kya nodded, helping me get Jinora out of her wet clothes and into some dry ones.

We laid her gently down on her back then left the room.

We met my father and the others on the deck. When we walked out, Mako walked over to us. Him and I just looked at each other for a moment until I turned to my father "So, Dad, what's the plan?"

"As soon as we reach the Southern Water Tribe, we'll blast through the blockade at the main port. Then we can rendezvous with Tonraq and his troops, crash through the defenses around the portal and enter the spirit world."

"Woah, since when did my little brother wanna crash or blast through anything?" Aunt Kya asked.

My father turned to face Aunt Kya. "I'll do whatever it takes to save my daughter."

"We all want to save Jinora. But I think your plan might be a tad over aggressive, seeing as there is eight of us." Uncle Bumi said, walking over to us.

My father crossed his arms. "Really? And what do you suggest?"

"An attack like this calls for strategy. I remember when I was surrounded by pirates in the hurricane straights. We managed to capture them all with just a feather and two eggs and a barrel of molasses-!"

My father cut Uncle Bumi off. "I don't want to hear any of your crazy stories now! This is serious!"

Uncle Bumi pouted and crossed his arms.

"Are we almost there?" Bolin asked.

"Almost." Asami said, joining us. She glanced over at me and I looked down to the floor. She slightly frowned, turning back to the others. "But I just picked up a distress signal from the Southern Troops. There's a problem."


We finally made it to the South Pole. We met at the White Lotus' Compound where Gran-Gran was. Including Korra's mother.

Senna met us outside and Korra rushed to her.

From Oogi's saddle, I gently brought down Jinora into my father's arms. We all then hopped off and joined Senna and Korra.

"Where's dad?" Korra asked her.

Almost in tears, Senna hung her head down. "Unalaq wiped out the entire Southern Resistance and captured your father."

"I'll get him back." Korra reassured her.

"Where's my mother?" My father asked.

"She's in the healing hut - so many injured."

We walked into the healing hut and Senna was right. So many men were wrapped in bandages from almost head to toe. There aren't enough beds so some sat and laid on the floor.

In the corner of my room, I spotted my grandmother helping out another man. "Gran-Gran." I called to her.

She turned and when she noticed Jinora, she quickly made her way over to us. "What happened?" She asked worriedly.

"Her soul is trapped in the Spirit World." My father said.

"Oh my goodness. How long has she been away?"

"Almost a week." I answered. "Aunt Kya says she can feel her energy slipping away."

"I've tried to keep her energy flowing, but I can only do so much. You're the only one who can help her now, mom." Aunt Kya said.

My grandmother nodded slowly. "Let's bring her in."

We began to follow my grandmother, but I was stopped by someone grabbing my hand. I turned and it was Asami.

"Lyra, can we talk please?"

"Right now is not a good time-" I tried to protest, but she cut me off.


I watched my grandmother close the door behind her. I took my hand away from hers then nodded.

We both walked outside and when the cold hit my body, I wrapped my arms around myself.

"I know Mako told you what happened. Which, by the way, I didn't want it to be kept a secret. I know what I did was wrong and I disrespected you and your relationship. Trust me, he gave me an ear full. But I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I like you and I didn't intend to ruin anything between us or you and Mako. I don't want to make any excuses for myself, but I felt like I needed to just give up, but he was there for me and I just went for it. I'm sorry, Lyra, really. I am."

My face was plain as she explained herself. I wasn't angry at her, I never was.


Asami furrowed her brows. "Okay?"

"Being angry at you isn't going to fix anything. You did what you did and now you're sorry for it." I said. "So...okay."

She slightly smiled with a nod. When she walked back into the hut, I let out a loud sigh before taking a seat on one of the steps.

"You took that surprisingly well." Bolin came out of nowhere, making me slightly jump.

"Where did you come from?" I asked him.

He took a seat down next to me. "I've been here the whole time, what do you mean?"

I playfully rolled my eyes while shaking my head.

"Why are you so mad at Mako then?"

"I'm not mad at Mako."

"So the whole not talking thing is just for fun?Man this relationship stuff is so confusing." Bolin put his head in his hands dramatically and I nudged him. "Oh, stop."

He chuckled, "Really, Ly. What's the problem?"

I looked down at my boots and began to play with my laces. "She's still in love with him."

"So? It's not like Mako feels the same way." Bolin said. "He chose you, remember?"

"Exactly. He chose me." I turned to face him and behind him showed Korra and Mako from a window talking to one of the troops. I turned back down, my voice soft. "What if it comes down to that again?"

"Lyra, that's crazy. My brother is so in love with you, it scares me. Usually I would tell him to snap out of it, but you two are really meant for each other." Bolin put his hand on my knee and gave me a reassuring smile. "You've got him in the bag, sister."

I put my head on his shoulder. "Thanks."

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