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Lyra (2)

Asami, Bolin, Mako and I stood in one of the rooms of Varrick's mansion. According to Asami, we were meeting with him to close some sort of deal. Except, he was no where to be found.

"Where's Varrick?" Asami asked. "We should've closed our deal an hour ago."

"Would you relax? This place is great. And the best part about it: Eska doesn't know I'm here." Bolin smiled.

As if on cue, two soldiers open the large double doors. Behind them stood Eska and Desna. Bolin quickly stood up from the couch he was laying on, his eyes widened.

"I wasn't hiding. Hey - hey - hey."

I snickered at his attempt at acting natural. I'm sure Pabu could've done a better job.

"I'm not on the hunt for you." She said. "Currently."

"We search for Varrick. Our father wishes him to stand trial." Desna said.

"What did he do?" Asami asked him.

"He is a traitor to the Water Tribe. Along with our Aunt and Uncle." Eska responded. I furrowed my brows, "Wait - Tonraq and Senna are standing trial too?"

The twins both nod.

"They were arrested?" Mako added after me.

"Yes. Your powers of deduction are impressive." Desna said. I wasn't able to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. He was and always is so monotoned.

"Yeah, he's a cop." Bolin smiled.

"Varrick's not here." A soldier said. "Very well. Desna, let us continue our search else where." Before Eska left, she turned and frowned at Bolin. "Boyfriend! Bow to me when I exit."

"Yes, yes my sweet koala-otter."

I rolled my eyes when he went all the way down to the ground. His nose practically touching the floor.

"You are so cute when you grovel." She turned and closed the doors behind her.

I groan as I grab a fist full of Bolin's shirt. "Get up."

"Don't let her treat you that way. Stand up for yourself." Asami scolded him.

"I tried to break up with her, but those two love birds gave me terrible advice!" He pointed at Mako and I. He then crossed his arms, "Thank you very much."

I scoffed, "Actually, I gave you great advice."

"How are your girl problems our fault?" Mako asked him. Bolin rolled his eyes. "Look, just because you and Lyra are so happy together doesn't mean you have to rub it in my face!"

Mako and I looked at each other with our brows furrowed, thinking the same thing: What did we even say?

"Bolin, you need to be honest with her." Asami said. "Tell her how you really feel."

"Honesty is for fools, kid!" A familiar voice spoke out, but sounded muffled. We all looked around.


"If you wanna ditch this girl, then make yourself scarce. Disappear like I did!" He advised.

"Where are you?" Asami asked him.

"Somewhere Unalaq will never find me!" The mouth of the stuffed platypus bear opens. Varrick pops his head out with a grin. "Inside Ping-Ping! How we doin'?"

We walk closer to the bear. "The coast is clear." Mako assured him. "You can come out."

"No way, Mister. Not until I know it's absolutely 157% safe." Varrick said. Out of nowhere, someone hands him a cup of tea from below him. "Ah, thank you Zhu Li."

"You're assistant's in there too?"

"Zhu Li never leaves my side." He then takes a sip of his tea before spitting it all out. "You forgot the honey!"

"Sorry, Sir! There isn't any in here."

"No honey?! We're in a bear for crying out loud!"

I chuckle. "I hate to leave this circus show," I grab onto Mako's upper arm and smile up at him. "But I think we should go check on Korra. See how she's doing."

"Good idea." He nods. "We'll catch you guys later."

Before Mako and I walk away from the group, I turn to Varrick, "It was nice to finally meet you."


We met Korra in the courtroom as her parents' trial started. We sat in the benches in the back, listening to Unalaq and Korra speak to the Judge.

Things weren't going great. According to the Judge, because Tonraq and Senna held the meeting in their home, their still at fault.

After a small break, it was time for the Judge to declare if they are innocent or guilty. All of the people involved stood in a line in front of the Judge.

The anticipation what getting to me. I tightened my grip on the fabric of Mako's jeans since my hand was rested on his thigh.

"Senna, please step forward." Once she did so, I tightened my grip even more. "I have found you innocent. You are free to go."

Once the chains around her wrists were off, I slightly smiled as she ran into Korra's arms.

"On the charge of treason, you are all found guilty."

I widened my eyes. "No." I breathed out. Gasps and chatter were heard throughout the courtroom.

"The punishment for this crime is death."

I let my grip go from Mako's pants before we all stood up from our seats, completely shocked and terrified.

"You can't do this!" Korra yelled to the Judge as he began to walk away. "You take their lives and I'll take yours!"

I quickly scoot away from the benches and rush over to Korra's side. I place my hand on her shoulder gently. "Hey. We have to stay calm. It'll be alright."

"Your lives will be spared." The Judge announced. "But you will live them out in prison."

Everyone including I sighed in relief. When Unalaq returned back to our side, Korra thanked him.


"I still don't trust him."

Mako and I were undoing the bed in our room. The trial ended hours ago and it was still repeating through my head.

"Why would be convince the Judge to change his mind then?"

I shrugged. "He's manipulative. I mean, he convinced Korra to kick my dad to the curb. Unalaq is just trying to stay on her good side."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

We both crawled into bed. I scooted over to Mako and laid my head down on his chest. His arm was wrapped around me.

"Why do you always have to be neutral? Can't you just pick a side?" I asked him. Mako's finger slowly trailed up and down my arm. Chills were sent all over my body.

"I'm always on your side." Mako whispered.

I looked up at him and we smiled at each other. He missed my forehead gently and I hummed while snuggling my head in the crook of his neck.

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