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Lyra (2)

My father led us back to the hollow tree where the dark spirit slept. I watched the glowing star sway back and forth with uneasiness.

"Are you sure this is the best way to find Jinora?" Uncle Bumi asked.

"Trust me." My father blew a large gust of wind into the hole. "Hey, you, spirit - wake up!"

Its red eyes blinked open one at a time. "You again!?" The spirit crawled out and spat a sticky web at us. We yell as we get twisted and turned until we're unable to move.

We stay silent as we get dragged to who knows where. It felt like we went to the whole other side of the spirit world by the way the scenery changed.

The spirit swings us to the front to show us a canyon. It was covered in fog, making it impossible to see the ground.

"I thought we were going to be taken to a prison." Aunt Kya questioned.

"This is a prison." My father said.

"Welcome to the Fog of Lost Souls." The spider hissed. "You will never escape." The spirit throws us down, untangling ourselves out of its web.

We all scream as we drop down into the canyon. The fog was thick and made it harder to breathe.

I rolled when I hit the ground. I picked my head up and looked around, but I couldn't see much through the fog.

I slowly stood up, groaning in pain. "This is just perfect. Get lost in a fog of lost souls - very funny."

"Dad!" I began to slowly walk in a random direction, cupping the sides of my mouth hoping my voice would echo farther. "Aunt Kya! Uncle bumi? Dad!"

"They're probably off looking for Nora." I sighed. "Jinora! It's me, Lyra! We're here for you bug! Nora!"


I snapped my head at the distant voice. It sent chivers down my spine. "Hello?" It was silent. "My name is Lyra! I'm looking for my sister."


"Iroh? Are you down here?" I turned in circles, not wanting to miss a shadow. "Can you help me? I'm lost."


"My name is Lyra!"

I gasped at the woman who appeared in front of me. She was beautiful. Her hair was a shade of burgundy red, long and in waves. Some of it was in a bun held by a crown. She was in noticeable wealthy attire.

Her smile was warm, just like Iroh's. So trusting and pure. "You look so much like your father."

I furrowed my brows. "My father?"

She shook her head slowly. "You don't remember me, you were only a baby."

I watched her grab my hand slowly. Her voice was gentle and slow.

"My baby."

I slightly widened my eyes. "You..."

"I'm your mother." She let go of my hand then gently twisted a piece of my hair with her finger. "My name in Rosina."

"But if you're here, then you're...?"

"I passed away ten years ago." Rosina said. "Five years after you were taken away from us."

I shook my head. "Iroh didn't tell me you were dead."

"Maybe for good reason." She nodded slowly. "He's a good man."

Tears were brought to my eyes. "I- I didn't say it much, but I did really want to meet you."

"And you have." She smiled. Rosina put my hair behind my ears. "My beautiful baby girl. Say thank you to your mother for me."

"Wait- I have so many questions. You can't leave!"

"See you again, my princess."

Rosina vanished with the fog.

In front of me was my father carrying Jinora. I ran to him and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down my face.

My father rubbed my back slowly. "Let's get out of here."

My father and I grabbed a blank Kya and Bumi before walking out of the canyon. When we were far enough away, the three started to gain themselves back.

"What happened?" Uncle Bumi asked.

"I think our brother saved us." Aunt Kya wearily smiled.

Jinora slowly opened her eyes and when she saw me, she leaned over to me. "Lyra." I grabbed her from my father and hugged her tightly. "Hey, bug."

"What happened?" Her voice was shaky and low.

"You're going to be okay, sweetie. I'm here." My father stepped forward and wrapped his arm around us. He was talking to the both of us.

"The last thing I remember is dark spirits taking me away." Jinora said.

"You were trapped in the Fog of Lost Souls. But I wasn't going to let you stay there."

"I'm so happy to see you." Jinora smiled at us. Aunt Kya and Uncle Bumi stepped forward for a group hug along with butterfly light spirits on our shoulders.

Shortly after, we began to walk back to the portal. My father and I walked alongside each other.

"Did you see anyone in there?" I asked him slowly.

He slightly frowned. "Yes. Did you?"

I sighed with a slow nod.

"The world's in trouble." Jinora made us stop in our tracks and turn around to her.

"What are you talking about? How do you know?" My father asked her.

"I can feel it." She responded, not taking her eyes away from the horizon.

I leaned down to her level. "What's going on?"

She turned and looked at me. "It's Korra." Jinora gently removed a light spirit from her shoulder then placed it in my hands. "This light spirit will guide you out of the Spirit World. I have to go help."

Jinora starts to glow brightly while she fades away. My father reaches out for her, but she's already gone. "Jinora, wait!"

"We have to go help too." I stood up and let the butterfly spirit lead the way.

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