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Lyra (2)

The next morning, we met up with Korra in Varrick's mansion. Varrick still hid in the Platypus Bear, which made me wonder a few things that I probably don't want the answers to.

"Unalaq's a liar and a traitor!" Korra exclaimed.

"I've been trying to tell you that from the get-go!" Varrick yelled to her. I slowly raised my hand up, "Me too."

Mako pushed my hand down. "What happened?"

"I found out the truth about my dad's banishment. Unalaq hired the barbarians to attack their tribe. Then he told them to hide in the spirit force knowing my dad would go after them!"

"Unalaq wanted your dad out of the way so he could become Chief." Mako widened his eyes. "It was a set up!"

"Just like the whole trial. I can't believe I trusted him." Korra furrowed her brows. "I'm busting my father and the rebels out of jail. I need your help."

"If you do this, there's no going back."

"I know. Will you help me or not?"

"Of course I'll help." Mako answered. I wrapped my arm around his, "That makes two of us."

"Me too."

"Count me in!"

The door to the room opens, showing Bolin and Pabu in matching clothes - similar to the ones the twins wear. Bolin's hair was slicked down and their was a betrothal necklace around his neck.

When a piece of his hair stuck up, I bursted out laughing. "Ah, this day just keeps getting better."

Mako cocked his brow with his arms crossed. "I don't even wanna know."

I smiled. "I do."

"I'm guessing the breakup with Eska didn't go well." Asami said.

"No, no. The honesty thing worked out great. So great that she decided we should get married!"


"Can I be the Maid of Honor?" I joked. Bolin sent me a glare.

"I'm pretty sure the guy is supposed to give the girl the betrothal necklace." Korra said.

"I guess Eska didn't get the memo."

"Look, the only way to deal with crazy women is to lie big and leave fast. Lucky for you, Varrick's got your back. Now, gather 'round Ping-Ping. Let's talk plan."

"Wait, wait. Before we discuss this jail break," I look to Korra and sigh. "I just have to say it. I told you so."

"Lyra." Mako gritted through his teeth. I pouted, "I did! Several times might I add..."


As Mako, Asami, and Korra bail Tonraq out of prison, I help Bolin get Varrick and Zhu Li to his Yacht.

I sit on the back of "Ping-Ping" with Pabu. Bolin had the rope in his hand, guiding the Platypus Bear down the street.

On the way to the boat, we were stopped by soldiers. "You have a license for that animal?"

"Uh, you fellas seen a traveling circus come through here?" Bolin stalled. I kicked the side of the Bear with my heel, signaling Zhu Li to do her part.

The tail lifts up and out shoots money. I look around for the people's reactions.

"That Platypus Bear is pooping money!" One exclaimed while pointing.

The Longing ⇝ BOOK 2 > LOKΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα