Chapter 3 - The Attic

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Yay chapter three! Okay so, you guys pretty much all guessed. Lights is Mitch Grassi, Roxas is Scott Hoying, Specks is Tyler Oakley, Blue is Troye Sivan, Bass is Avi Kaplan, Cello is Kevin Olusola, and I added in Todrick Hall as Semi. The rest are made up. 

I'm having a lot of fun with this story and I'm so happy you guys have been liking it :D


This chapter gets a bit creepy. Also there's some swearing near the end.

Please vote and comment! Your comments always make my day!! <3


The snowstorm had finally hit and I sat at my window staring off into the white abyss after finishing my chores. Mrs. H let all of us stay inside and clean our bedrooms instead of making us go outside in the torturous weather. This home still seemed too good to be true; from the good food to the nice owner and the supportive boys. I felt like it was a dream I was going to wake up from soon.

I took my index finger and drew a little heart on the frosty window and then watched it disappear. The snow brought back bittersweet memories and I could never figure out if I wanted to sit and watch it or run away from it.

I heard a bang from down the hall and then loud swearing coming next. Another boy’s door flew open and someone yelled at him to shut up. I laughed to myself before getting up and going out into the hallway. Awful laid on his bed across the hall with headphones in his ears, singing terribly along with whatever he was listening to. I went over to Blue’s room and peeked my head in. His room was spotless and he lay on his bed with the same book he had been reading.

“Can I come in?” I asked.

He smiled and sat up immediately, placing his book to the side to give me his attention. I shut the door behind me and sat on the bed. “So, you’re going to help me later right?”

His cheeks flushed. “I don’t want to get in trouble…”

“We won’t. All I need you to do is keep watch for me, and if someone catches us I’ll just tell them you were trying to talk me out of it. I won’t get you in trouble.”

He looked more relieved and wrapped his arms around his knees. A knock on his door caused my attention to shift. Specks was coming in and he hesitated when he saw me sitting on the bed. “Hi…” He said awkwardly. “Blue can you help me with my room?” He asked, giving me the once over.

“Yeah, of course.” Blue jumped up and started following Specks out the door. He turned to me before he went away. “We’ll talk more later.”

I followed out the door and looked across the hall into Semi’s room. He looked jealous as the two walked into Specks’s room. I rolled my eyes at the drama and started walking back into my own room. Drama was fun to play with but if I wasn’t the one having fun then what was the point?

I walked down the hallway and looked into each room. Mute was taking a nap, Cello was practicing his cello, Bass was finishing putting clothes into his hamper, and then Scar was still only halfway done. He swore under his breath as he chucked clothes into the hamper. I couldn’t place what his room smelled like, all I know was it wasn’t goo. I turned and saw Roxas’s door closed, as expected. I knocked on the door and heard Scar start laughing behind me.

I shot him a look and he shook his head at me. “You’re like a little puppy, arentcha?” He teased.

I ignored him and turned towards the door, but Roxas wasn’t answering. I turned to walk away and glanced up at the string hanging down from the attic door on the ceiling. “Hey Scar?” I asked and walked back towards the foul smelling room.

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