Chapter 14 - Killer

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Hey guys :D

If you see any spelling mistakes I apologize, but I don't have Microsoft Word on my laptop, only WordPad -_- I tried to be careful so I apologize in advance.

Please vote and comment your thoughts. They're what keeps me motivated to keep writing!!! <3333

I love you all somaj <3


The next 24 hours were an absolute blur.

I remember some things. I remember waking up in the backyard we had played manhunt in with Specks and Scar somewhere next to me. Then I remember looking around the living room of the house while it was still dark to see if any ghosts were waiting for me. Then I remember Roxas helping me into bed at some point in the night. The rest of the day was in and out. I had to go to the hospital once again - the third time since I got here only two weeks ago.

I obviously had a concussion and couldn't stay conscious for more than a few minutes at a time. The first time I did actually open my eyes and feel awake was when it was already dark outside. I had a neck pillow wrapped around me and I was covered up in Roxas's quilt on my bed. I looked around my room without moving first, but I found I was alone. I sat up slowly and let my eyes adjust to my surroundings. I could hear some of the boys talking from somewhere on this floor and heard things moving in the kitchen downstairs. I slowly dangled my legs over the side of my bed and stretched my back out, making my head spin even more. I blacked out again and this time, I didn't pass out. 


"You're sure?" Semi's voice caught my attention. I woke up suddenly and was met facing a wooden wall. I put my hands against it in a panic, but then I realized where I was. I turned to see Scar, Semi, and Cello staring at me with worried, confused expressions. "You're okay?" Semi asked, holding his hands out for me.

I swallowed hard and looked back to the wall in confusion. " did I get here?" I whispered. 

"Whoa...yeah, you're not ready to be out of bed." Cello came up behind me and lightly picked me up. He brought me to my room and sat me on the bed. "You've been doing strange stuff like that all day...just try and relax."

"I have?" I asked. "What was I doing?" Oh great. Mrs. H and Mr. M could have been all over that today. 

"Just weird kept saying you had to help some dude named Charlie...then you said Eddie was swinging..." Cello searched my face for answers. "Any of this ring a bell?"

"No idea what you're talking about."

He shook his head. "Just delusions, I guess. Just rest, kiddo." He got up to leave.

"Cello? Did Mrs. H hear anything I was saying?"

He gave me a look. "Yeah...she got kind of freaked when you said that thing about Eddie." He said. "That's when she sent you to the hospital." 

I blinked a couple of times and sighed deeply. "Alright...thanks..." I said and smiled before climbing back under the blankets. I took a long, deep breath before I shut my eyes and fell back asleep.


"Roxas?" I called out quietly. I felt him shift from behind me and kiss me on the cheek. 

"I'm right here." His soothing voice made it's way into my ears and I grasped as his arm tightly. "I have to get up soon...they aren't going to let me stay up here with you all day." 

I groaned. "I don't want to stay in bed all day..." I whined. "I need to get up and do some damage control..."

"No, you need to stay in bed until you're thinking clearly." He argued. "You almost spilled everything yesterday in front of Mrs. H. You kept mentioning Gregory and Charlie...and who the hell is Eddie?"

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