Chapter 10 - Iron & Ice

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Sorry for the late update. It was my birthday weekend so I wasn't home at all to write. It was a goooood time :D

I'm going to start scheduling updates so it's easier for myself and you guys to know when I'm updating. I should be on a steady schedule soon enough so hopefully it'll work out. 

Thank you guys for the awesome comments. Seeing how you guys react to what I write makes it all worthwhile. Thank you all for your beautiful messages as well <3

Please vote and comment. I'll update ASAP :)


The next morning didn’t feel right.

I woke up alone in my bed, which I wasn’t too surprised about because it was mid-morning and the boys would be eating breakfast. My eyes popped open when I first woke up because I felt as if I weren’t really alone. I sat up quickly in bed and scanned my room with my eyes, but of course, there was nothing there to see.

Claudette came upstairs and stood in the entrance of my room. “How are you feeling?” She asked me, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down at me with a hopeful smile.

I shrugged and smiled back. “I think I’m fine.” I lied. “I just need to rest.”

I felt like death was about to appear on my doorstep, but I couldn’t even really joke that because at this rate that could be a real possibility. Claudette stepped into my room and leaned over to me. “If you feel anything weird…anything at all, you call my name.” She looked at me like a parent scolding their child and I nodded in response.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’t call me ma’am. You make me sound old.” She winked at me and exited the room when Rose called her name from downstairs.

I waited until their voices were in the kitchen before climbing out of bed. I was bored and had nothing to do, which I know Roxas would be giving me crap about because of everything going on, but I had to keep myself occupied. I wanted to know how I ended up at Catherine’s grave a couple of nights ago and for what reason. Was she trying to kill me or was some other spirit trying to tell me something? I know that laugh hadn’t been Scar’s. I know his stupid laugh too well now.

I paced my room for a while thinking over what I could do. Roxas told me he’d touched a door handle that was obviously sealed over and that it could have possibly let something out. Catherine hadn’t made another appearance though, so maybe this spirit was keeping her at bay. Something had fixed her grave though, and I know it wasn’t Mr. M trying to cover up anything because Mrs. H flipped out on him.

I put my hands on my head in frustration and plopped down on my bed. I smelled terrible I realized just then and scrunched my face up in disgust.


“Don’t think you’re going anywhere!” Claudette said to me as I entered the kitchen and I scoffed. “Don’t get smart with me!”

“I’m just showering, I promise. I smell awful.”

She narrowed her eyes at me and I gave her the best puppy dog face I could. “That doesn’t work on me, boy. Go ahead and shower then go back to bed.”

I turned on the shower and started peeling the clothes off of my sore body, letting them hit the floor with a satisfying thud. I couldn’t wait to feel the hot water against my achy skin, but I’d have to be quick. There were too many people living in this house for only two bathrooms.

I stepped in and shut the glass door next to me before dipping my face into the hot water and letting it roll along my body. I wrapped my arms around myself and gently rolled my neck to let the water hit my throat. I breathed out against the water trails and blew the water out in front of me as it relaxed me.

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