Chapter 5 - Ghosts and Ghouls

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Yayyy a new chapter! The messages some of you have been sending me have warmed my heart. Thank you so much for the kind words :3 I love you all.

Three more days until PTX Vol III!!!!! <3___<3

Please vote and comment on this, your comments always make my day and I love to know how I'm doing so I can improve if needed. If you see any typos, don't be afraid to let me know :)

Love you all somaj <3



I swear I was nearly yelling it because of how hard the sneezes were leaving my body. I'd woken up with a bad cold the next morning. I sat in my bed with my blankets wrapped around my entire body. I wanted so badly to go back to sleep, but I knew the morning bell was coming. I'd gotten no sleep and now I felt as if I might pass out if I stand up.

These were the times the kid in me came out and I desperately wished my parents were still here. I didn't care how tough foster care had made me; I still wanted Mom and Dad.

The bell rang downstairs and I covered my face with the blanket. I was freezing cold even though I was under two quilts. How did they expect me to do anything?

I walked downstairs in my PJ's with my arms wrapped around myself. I was the last one down there and I only peeked up at the board. Thankfully, luck was on my side today and I had a lone task to iron the curtains. I didn't what the purpose of that was, but today I didn't care as long as I wasn't trapped in any creepy rooms with any ghosts.

I went right back upstairs and changed into some normal clothes before I got started on the task in the living room downstairs. I watched as the other boys came downstairs and filed outside or down into the basement. Everyone was still half-asleep, so thankfully Roxas and Blue hadn't made eye contact with me.

I thought about Catherine as I ironed the curtains. She was laughing last night right before I fell asleep. Maybe she did this to me. This could be the beginning of the curse.

"You look like hell." Claudette came into the room with her hands on her hips. "I was wondering who was sniffling in here."

I sighed sadly and she waved her hand in front of me.

"Take a seat. I'm making you some tea and getting you some medication." She led me over to the couch and had me sit down, mumbling something about having a fever as she walked back into the kitchen and out of my sight. I felt dizzy as I sat down and started coughing up something terrible. I felt as if my lungs were being sat on as I sat there and tried to catch my breath. My hearing was dull and my vision had gone into a haze as I shifted my eyes up towards the staircase.

It took a moment to register, but then I realized what I was seeing. It was a woman...and though she was blurry, she made my heart stop. She was terrifying in her white nightgown with her long, dark hair over her white face.

"Alright, here's some tea and some medicine to make your fever go down. Lights?" Claudette put the things down in front of me, but I was still staring at the woman near the stairs.

"Catherine." I said breathily, making Claudette's eyes grow to the size of saucers. She looked in the direction I was looking in, but didn't react.

"What are you talking about?" She asked me. "Do you see something?"

I nodded but things were becoming clearer now. She'd disappeared and I was back to reality. "She was right there." I said.

I took the medicine and downed it in desperation to feel better. "Maybe you're just hallucinating. Your fever is high." Claudette felt my forehead. "Forget these stupid curtains. Just sit, relax. I'll tell Mrs. H. She'll understand."

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