Chapter 20 - Foul Play

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I will post on this story when I am going to be posting the second book. I am looking for someone to do some fanart for the next book. If you're interested please message me!!!!

Today I got so many messages and comments on this story and you guys make me feel SO good. I love writing and not just fanfiction but in general. You guys make me really feel like I could publish a book someday and you have no idea how much that means to me.

Thank you guys for all the support not just on this story but all of my stories in general. <3

Please enjoy...leave all of your comments and get ready for book two coming very, very, very soon <3


Claudette's door wouldn't budge. Neither would Rose's.

"Help!" I yelled out to whoever would listen. I looked back down the hall and Catherine was still standing there, but this time she looked different. Her dark eyes were still glaring holes through me but her pose was calm. She had her hands in front of her with the book in her hands.

"You're going to pay for this." I whispered and she smiled her black teethed smile at me.

Killer screamed and made me jump. I turned to see her with her hands over her mouth. A couple of the other boys had come over and looked down the hall. "Holy fuck!" Awful yelled out. For a second I was scared that they could see Catherine, but they were looking down. "Mrs. H!" He ran down the hall towards her and I followed closely.

Catherine stared down at him but didn't make a move. I kept my eyes on her as we stood next to Mrs. H's bed. "What are you looking at, Lights?" Scar asked as he came down the hall. He sounded choked up as if he couldn't breathe.

I looked over at him and just gave him a look. "Catherine." I mouthed. He audibly gulped as Semi and Bass came into the room.

"Oh my God..." Bass said. Catherine blipped in and out.

I watched her closely and listened to the other boys speak.

"Oh my God..." Another said.

"Amen." I said aloud. She blipped again.

"What?" Awful shot me a look. I only looked at him for a second.

"I said amen." I said again and she blipped. Her face began to twist. I looked down to Natalie and reached over to shut her eyes. "Cover her up...we'll figure out what to do soon."

I started out of the room and grabbed Scar's arm. "Come here." I told him and started down the hall. Roxas stopped me.

"What's going on? Is this her?" He asked me.

"Yes." I told him. "You come too. I think I have an idea."

I led them into the kitchen and turned to them. "You need to get everyone out of the house." I told Roxas and his face went from confused to angry.

"Me?" He asked. "I'm not leaving you here!" He came towards me and put his hands on my face. "I'm not leaving you."

I could see Scar roll his eyes in the background.

"Rox, you need to. Take the van...take everyone to safety. It doesn't matter where." I said. "I need to end this."

He kept shaking his head. "I can stay. I can help."

"I'm not letting you get killed." I said up to him. "Please..." I took his hands from my face and held them in mine. "Save them, Scott." I whispered.

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