Chapter 12 - On Fire

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It's Tuesdayyyy! I can't wait for Superfruit to come out even though they're doing the Q&A today?? I hope that doesn't mean they aren't coming out with it until tomorrow.

Did any of you do the Q&A? I always do it and then they never answer my questions -_-

OKAY SO: I announced this through a post on my message board. I'm doing a fourth book to the One Night series and it'll focus on the Sing Off years. I'm not sure how short/long it will be but I'll be starting on that very soon :)

Enjoy <3 please message me with requests for one-shots! <3 I love you guys more than you know.

Also - Happy early Halloween! ;)


Richard Allen Foley.

I never got to know him as well as I wanted to but he was a good person despite what he went through. He was an orphan like me whose family was taken away from him too quickly before he got to know them. His voice was stolen from him and it made him the underdog. The fact he wrote me that he had nowhere to go when he was 18 was a bit unbelievable, but he was probably just trying to make me feel better. That's what I wish I could have gotten to know better - the sweet boy whose life was taken too soon.

His death was ruled a suicide by the police, even though I knew better than that. Something killed him and it was all because I kept delving in deeper and deeper into this mystery. Anyone could be next if I kept it up.

I kept his letter a secret and took the blueprints back from out of his room before the cops could get in there. I hit everything in Roxas's cubby with my notebook and anything else that would bring up any suspicious questions.

I was the reason Mute had died, and while I had no obvious physical connections, I held myself completely responsible for egging Catherine and Charlie on. I had to stop before anyone else got hurt and that was all I knew. I would put the blueprints in a box downstairs and forget about all of it.

The ride to his funeral later that week was a sad one. No one said one word in that van the entire way there. Not even Awful or Scar.

I sat in the very, very back next to Awful, who was next to Semi. In front of us was Scar, Specks, and Blue. In the front was Roxas, Cello, and Bass, who was driving.

The staff was behind us in Mrs. H's new Cadillac. She had us all rent black suits for the funeral and she made sure they were top of the class. Even in death she wanted to make sure everything looked prim and proper on the outside, even though things were a mess on the inside.

"We're almost there." Bass said so everyone could hear. We were pulling into a church parking lot and I started to feel uneasy. I hadn't been to church since before my parents passed away.

We all got out of the car and I immediately met Roxas at the front of the doors. "How're you doing?" He asked me. It was the same question he'd been asking me since the day it happened and I couldn't deal with it.

"Stop." I told him. "This is about Mute, not me."

He nodded. "I understand." He said, keeping his hands in his pocket as we walked into the church side by side.

The ceremony was long, and each of us stood to talk about Mute. It started with Cello, since he'd been there the longest. He kept it short and simple since he and Mute had never become close, but he still said nice things about him. It was the same with Bass and Semi when they had gone up. The others shared small stories and then it was my turn.

I stood up in front of the boys, feeling uneasy and guilty. His casket was right behind me as I went to speak and it was almost as if I could feel him there with me.

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