Chapter 17 - Mind Games

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Heyyyy, here's chapter 17. Next chapter will be crazy and I can't wait to write it. Probably shouldn't give too much away :D


Enjoy <3 :-**


Dinner was rather quiet that night. I spent most of the time plotting in my head what we were going to do. I had no idea how Claudette and Natalie were going to react to all of this. I wasn’t even sure if I should tell them that we were planning to go out there.

“Man, Valentine’s Day is coming up.” Awful said out loud and then put his arm around Killer. “What do you say pretty lady? Be my Valentine?”

Her face twisted and then she rolled her eyes. “I don’t do Valentine’s.”

He shrugged hard and then smiled. “I figured as much.” He tilted his head towards the kitchen entrance. “Claudette will be my Valentine!”

She started to walk in the room and laughed, then patted him on the shoulder. “Whatever you say, kid.”

We all laughed and I looked over to Roxas. He went right back to eating; I figured trying to get him to do something for Valentine’s Day would be something next to impossible. I hated Valentine’s Day anyway because the day after was the anniversary of my parents’ death. And this year would officially make ten years since they passed. I couldn’t even go home to visit their graves; nothing. Instead I was stuck here fighting ghosts.

I felt myself tearing up at the thought and averted my eyes back down to my food. I only ate a bit more before I got up and went into the bathroom. I put my hands on the back of my neck as I paced back and forth trying to come up with a plan for that night. I had nothing really holding me back at this point, except for Claudette possibly telling me that I could get myself killed and I shouldn’t go.

I sat on the edge of the tub with my head in my hands. My thoughts were being clouded by my parents and that I wouldn’t even be able to visit them. It made me want to start throwing up.

A small knock came on the door and I tried to compose myself before I opened the door. “Hey.” It was Blue.

“Sorry, I’m done, go…” Before I could go past him, he pushed me back lightly into the room then shut the door behind him.

“Do you know what happened to Mr. M?” His voice was low and quiet.

“Don’t worry about it, Blue.”

I started to go past him but he put his hands on my arms. “Lights you were freaking me out yesterday! I deserve an answer at least…”

“Listen to me very carefully.” I put my hands on his shoulders. “You do not get involved in this, okay?”

He nodded. “What’s going on?”

“It’s Catherine.” I told him. “She’s back…because I made a mistake. She killed Mr. M because he stole something of hers…” I took a breath in. “It could have been me, Blue…I could be the dead one because I had it first…”

“Had what?”

“I took a book from the attic…it was hers. I took it downstairs and Mr. M must have gone through my room and took it…she killed him for it. Oh my God, if I had kept it she might have killed me…” I started to panic and Blue put his hands on my face.

“But you’re alive. You’re here. You can fix this.”

I felt my eyes filling up with tears. Too many emotions were coursing through my body in that moment. Blue brought me in close and held me there for a good minute or so. “Where’s this coming from?” He asked me. “I’ve never seen you cry before…”

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