Chapter 9 - The Triangle

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Sorry for the late update. Got into a car accident recently and I've been sore as heck. -_- 

Hopefully updating more soon and I'm starting on the first official new chapter of Red and Gold soon! If you don't know what that is, it's a one-shot I wrote from julyghry and Scomichemylife's prompt! I wrote a part two and now I'm turning it into an entire fic. I hope to have that up soon :)

Please vote and comment as always. <3 


Dinner was over and I found myself unpleasantly distracted the entire time. I did eat, though, seeing as my body was finally starting to let me again. Claudette had me come into the kitchen after she was done cleaning up to speak with me. I was getting nervous now, seeing the light start to disappear from outside. Roxas and I hadn’t even had a chance to go into the basement yet.

“Sit down.” She said as she took her teapot out to make me some tea. I smiled at the gesture. I could get used to small talks in the kitchen over a hot cup of tea. If only it were about something normal and not about some demonic spirit that was possibly going to kill me.

“Claudette…I remember things.”

“I’m surprised. You were in a trance that night. I didn’t think –“

“No, I remember that entire night. What I meant was I remember things…that aren’t from my memories…”

“What do you mean?” She sat down across from me as the water boiled.

I played with my fingers nervously, dreading the words that were about to flow out of my mouth. Catherine could be listening from anywhere.

“It’s like I’m there with all of you before the fire started.” I started quietly, afraid of her reaction. “I can see Catherine and Gregory…they’re mother and son…and then flames.” My face began to heat up at the thought of the hot flames engulfing the house. Claudette stood suddenly and stared down at me in horror.

“Lights…” She looked terrified of me and it hurt my heart. The tea kettle began to whistle and I swear she jumped a mile before she rushed over and took it off of the stove. “How do you know these things?” Her face was filled with anger and terror, but I knew it was just confusion.

“Claudette, I don’t know. That’s the problem.” I sounded desperate. “They just came to me…I can’t explain it, but I know everything that happened.”

“It’s not possible.” She said. She averted her eyes back to the tea kettle and started to pour out two mugs, her hands shaky. “You must have heard me say it…”

“You never told me that.” I said. “I don’t understand why either but that’s the point. How would I know that? What’s going on with me?”

She put down the kettle and started to make the tea. “I must have mentioned it…”

“You didn’t. I would remember.”

She still shook her head in disbelief.

“You used to call her Catty.”

Her eyes shut at the memory and she put her hand on her eyes.

“You would call Gregory ‘pumpkin pie’ and you’d make him tea just like you are right now for me.” I couldn’t even believe what was coming out of my mouth. Claudette moved her hand down her face and I saw her eyes filled with tears. “Claudette…” stood up from my chair. “I don’t know why I know all of this.”

Silence fell over the two of us while Claudette tried to avoid crying. When she finally calmed herself, I felt my own eyes welling with tears. The grave was back to normal as if I had done nothing to it and now I could possibly be dead by sunrise. “I’m scared.” My voice was small and shaky.

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