Chapter 15 - The Return

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I promised an early update and I got my computer back so yayyyy! I'll update on Tuesday as well :)

I love you guys for your comments. They make me feel so loved and confident about what I'm writing. You guys keep me motivated so thank you so much for that :')

Love you all <3 please vote and comment as always :3


Everything was black.

The sounds of everything going on around me were more prominent. I could hear Bass telling Claudette and Rose that something bad had happened and I knew how far away I was from the house. I was laying on the cold snow and staring straight ahead of me but nothing was there. It was completely dark.

Suddenly, I started to see stars. In the literal sense.

"Oh my God..." I said, my head woozy.

"What? What is it?" Roxas was kneeled next to me in a panic. "Can you see me?"

I shut my eyes and opened them again to look at the sky. Then I turned my head slowly and even though my vision was fuzzy, I could make out Roxas. I smiled and nodded. "A little."

In unison, everyone sighed in relief. "What happened out here?!" I heard Mrs. H's voice coming closer to us.

"His eyes just started bleeding out of nowhere!" Specks yelled.

I saw a figure standing above me and Mrs. H reached her hand down to me to touch my chin. "Can you see?" She asked. Her voice sounded like it did when she was just a girl. I could hear the true concern coming through instead of her shrill, phony, fake happy voice.

I nodded. "Everything's blurry..." I whispered and she had Roxas move from my side. She put her hands on my cheeks and moved my skin around, examining my eyes no doubt. "I hate to do this to you again, but I think you need to go to the hospital."

"I'm okay." I said. "I just need to go to bed."

"What the fuck?" I heard Specks swearing next to me. "Your eyes were just bleeding out of your head and you think bedrest will fix that?"

My vision was slowly coming back to normal. "I just want to go inside. I'm freezing." I told Mrs. H just as her face cleared up. Her eyebrows were furrowed as she looked down at me.

"Okay..." She said. "Someone carry him in." She snapped her fingers in the air and started back into the house. Roxas slipped his long arms under my body and hoisted me up into the air before everyone made their way towards the house.


My housemates all went to bed hesitantly. All of them were looking at me with horror in their eyes as I just sat there as if it were a normal happening. Honestly, at this point, I wasn't shocked. The thing was - and the reason I wasn't so freaked out - it didn't even hurt.

I sat up on the couch in the living room and Roxas sat by my side. "Roxas, go to bed." Claudette said as she entered the living room. "Mrs. H wants to talk to him alone. She's making me go away too."

Roxas looked over to me. "I'll be fine, Rox." I said. "I'll see you in the morning."

His face was full of worry, but instead of arguing with me he stood up and kissed me on the forehead. "Good night, Lights..." He walked towards the stairs, stopping for a moment and taking one last glance at me before going upstairs.

Claudette cleaned the dried blood off of my face in silence. When she was finished, everything she was holding back came flooding out.

"Will you be alright alone with her? How's your head? Are you dizzy?" She was all worked up and I sighed at all of her questions.

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