Chapter #11 John

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I keep pressing the Space Bar
But I'm still on earth...
          A grin made its way across my face. I resisted a wicked laugh, knowing that if I did laugh, I would look like a maniac. I felt adrenaline course through me, the thought of everyone cowering in fear amused me to no end.

"Ha, very funny, now tell me the real story." The magenta haired girl sat on the white bed, and flopped down. Laying down on it.

I glared, "But I am!"

She waved her hand, "Your not that much of an idiot, now come on, tell me."

        "I don't lie," I told her stubbornly, "and if you were smart at all, you would know that with my ability it's possible."

          She sighed in annoyance, "you really are an idiot..."

          "What wrong with you?" I growled, "cant you see that I'm fully capable of taking over..."

          She put one hand out to stop me. "And how will you achieve it?"

         "My ability obviously!"

         "Exactly what is expected from an idiot..." she grumbled.

         I crossed my arms, "what do you mean?"

Sera put her hand to her head, "ability and power tend to seem like everything, especially in your position, but it isn't."

I shook my head, "false, and even if it was, you would have to give me proof."

She held one finger out, "what about strategy?"

"It's nothing."

Two fingers, "and what about the knowledge about the ability that you don't know about."

"That won't stop me."

She held up three fingers, "and what about every little background detail that may end up unable to do anything in your favor?"

I cocked my head, "Could you speak English please?"

She sighed, "what about the little things that could harm you in some way. Those little details that you don't really notice until they strike..."

          "I would still win."

         She threw her head down in annoyance, "your hopeless...."

         I stood up, "I'm leaving, I don't want to spend anymore of my time with a bratty girl who thinks herself a princess."

          The area froze around me, and no matter how much of my ability I used, I could not break out.

         "Do never ever call me a princess," a menacing voice growled from behind me.

         I was frozen head to toe, so I couldn't even move at all.

        Abruptly, it all faded away, and I was able to stand once again. I regained my positioning fast, and turned around. "You don't know anything,' I told her warningly, "So don't try to."

         She grinned, "Of course Crow, I don't want to try to understand you either."

        My eyes widened and twitched, "did you just call me crow?!"

        She nodded, "yeah, the bird that stays hidden in the shadows, viciously kills its victims, and has unordinarily black hair, yes."

        I stalked towards the white bed that she was currently sitting on. "What did you say...?"

         She continued, "did you know that crows also leech off of others to gain the reputation they have? Maybe that's what you have been doing, the name Crow seems to suit you. All you need now are a pair of wings!"

          My temper exploded, and I smacked her hard. I froze the ground around us, and she stayed still.

          Suddenly, she flipped her head back towards me, and punched me hard on the jaw. I flew and hit the wall, and crumpled to the floor.

           "The name Crow really does describe you," the girl laughed. "You certainly leech off of people hard work. All you have to do is copy an ability, and you have it." She paused, "you don't have to work hard like we do to obtain the high level of ability."

         I stood up and charged towards her, anger fuelled me.

        Unfortunately, she had already gotten off of the bed, and we both began to fight hard at each other.

          We didn't even hear the click, as someone opened the door...

         "Both of you stop!!!!" The nurse from before stood at the doorway.

          Sera stopped immediately, and I slowed down.

          "What are you two thinking?!" The nurse ran over to Sera and grabbed her arm,"you are going to make it worse!!!"

The young girl yanked her arm back, "I'm fine!"

The nurse came back towards her, but she ran out of the door, pushing past the nurse.

"Please," The nurse pleaded, "go and get her, she's hurt!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose, "Fine. But I don't want you asking me anything else." With that, I dashed after the blue eyed girl.

When she turned to see if anyone was running towards her, she was very surprised to see me. "Why are you chasing me?!" She growled.

I didn't answer, instead, I lunged at her waist, pulling her down to the floor.

She tried to unwrap my hands, but I was already using my ability. She struggled, and I could tell that by now, she would begin to scream.

She opened her mouth, "help..."

I put my knee on her legs to keep them pinned down, and one of my arms held both of her wrists pinned up over her head. The other hand clasped over her mouth. "Don't you dare."

It seemed like she was right about me being hopeless in strategy, because the next thing I knew.
I was being pinned down to the floor.

"Not so confident now, are you?" She smirked.

"As if," I seethed back.

The two of us began to fight in the hallway, causing most people to avoid the area. We weren't going at it hard, because we both knew we could make a considerable amount of damage if we did. Besides, this was a hospital!

Without warning, a girl about the same age as me came dashing towards me. Anger filled her amber orbs, and I was shocked to say the least.

"Don't hurt my friend!" She growled, as she flung herself towards me.

I tried to punch her back, but I was simply to,worried to hurt the innocent girl. I shouldn't have waited, because the next thing I knew, I felt like I was being roasted on a barbecue.

"Thanks Remi," Sera smiled, "I don't think you need to go that far though."

The girl named Remi grabbed Sera's wrist, "Fine, forget about him, I want to show you Rei!!!"

The two girls left in complete and utter silence. I was left dumbfounded at what had just happened.

And then I could hear my phone in my pocket buzz. I looked over and grabbed it.

My dad was calling me...

I only had one word to say.


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