Bonus (Little Special)

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Hello, this is a little special that I made in my free time. But, unlike other specials I have made in the past, this one is different. Instead of John and Seraphina being the main characters, it will be the two little children that Seraphina saved. Remember them?
Well anyways, I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and if you want me to make more stories about these two, you can just ask in the comment section.

Dark shadows crept up from beneath the window panes, casting a deeply troubling aura around the building. At least it seemed that way to the children.

The building itself wasn't the finest, and the cracks on the walls and pieces of glass on the floor only proved that point.

But as much as the two children feared the building standing right in front of them, they could not help but admire the silence that held the orphanage. After all that they had went through, it was only natural. The screams, the cries, and all the blood that was shed must have had a least a little bit of an effect on the children.

"Aidan," the little girl whispered, pointing towards the starry night through the window. "Do you think that nice lady and that man left?"

    The little boy nodded, "I guess so, I mean, they didn't bring us here just to stare at the window."

    Amie sighed, and she glanced around the hallway that they were in. "Well, do you think that there is any people here? The nice lady told us that this was our new home."

    They boy shrugged, "I hope so, I don't plan on starving tonight. Besides, how is your arm?"

    With one movement, Amie stretched her arm out, only to whimper in pain when the same pain that had came earlier came again. "D-does that answer your question?"

     "Yeah," Aidan whispered thoughtfully, "let's just hope someone that can heal is here."

Both children stood silently, knowing that the chances of that weren't high. And after what had happened, they were clearly still in shock.

"Hello!" The young girl yelled, flailing her arms around. "Is anyone there?!"

It was silent, but in the distance, they could shuffles of someone approaching them.

"Run!" The little boy rapidly whispered, sprinting off. The girl Amie however, did not run. Instead, she stood there, stoic but alert.

"Hello," she whispered again, a little bit more of a question this time. "Could you please show yourself?"

Whatever was lurking in the shadows must have smiled, because the girl blindly smiled back. Completely unaware of the idiocy she was currently performing.

"Amie!" Aidan yelled, "get out of there! It's a stranger!"

"The stwanger isn't dangerous," she replied back, a pout on her lips.

Aidan however, did not like to repeat things twice. So, he ran in where she was at, and grabbed her by her good arm.

"We got to go, I don't care what you say." He frowned, while tugging her in the opposite direction. "Our parents were just attacked, now they are somewhere safe. But we have to go!"

     "You don't get it," Amie resisted the direction of his pull. "I have a good feeling about the person, trust me."

    "Our parents were attacked." Aidan growled, "and you believe everyone with so much confidence? Are you stupid?!"

    While both children bickered back and forth, the presence in the other room smiled.

  "I'm not a threat," a soothing but gruff voice spoke out, interrupting both children. "I'm here to help."

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