Chapter #34 Seraphina

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   The breeze in the air made my hair sway to the side. It was in a big ponytail, which I often resented for the message it sent me. 'You aren't free.'

   But who am I kidding? I was never free, nor am I now. The world simply works like that, you make your decisions, and I made mine.

    "Seraphina," a calm and collected voice called out, diverting me from my thoughts. "Come downstairs, please. We have a problem." I already knew who was calling me, and I descended down the stairs of the balcony.

    I sighed, and marched down the wooden steps, I stared back at the eyes of my mother. She pointed towards the living room, almost annoyed. And I knew something was wrong.

   "What is it?" I asked, just as I reached the bottom of the stairs, a worried but stoic look on my face. I tried not to cosplay my emotions too much. It could be used against me...

"Have you seen your sister?" My mother asked, more like a demand. I knew my answer, and I knew what I would have to do after this.

"I have not," I responded back, shrugging, "is there a particular reason why you were wondering?"

My mother put a hand to her head, "yes. And it seems," she stared at me, "like you will have to find her. I'm not sure where she ended up, and I have no idea if she snuck out..." she took a big breath in, "or got lost. But you will have to find her anyway."

I wanted to ask her, 'again?' But that wasn't much of an option. And I was stuck with having to nod, agreeing to every single word my mother had just uttered.

My sister often snuck out, and it wasn't much of a surprise that she did it today. The thing that worried me, was the fact that recently, she had begun to go to party's. And these party's involved alcohol, and whatever teenagers could think of at that time.

"Leilah," I growled through gritted teeth, "you better not have gone to one of those party's and gotten yourself wasted. How am I supposed to cover up for you now?"

I grabbed the first sweater I saw on my way out. And marched out the door, I didn't want any problems today, and it was already stressful enough that exams were coming up. And like always, my mother wanted Results. Results that I was expected to give.

Without haste, I pulled out my phone, checking the time while I was at it. It wasn't too late, but I still didn't have a good feeling about all of this.

After scrolling through my contacts, I clicked on the icon with my sisters name on it, and began to call her. At this point, I had the phone next to my ear, and was walking around the sidewalk just right out of our house.





I instantly perked up. "Leilah! Where are you?"

The phone went silent, and as heard a giggle from the other side. "Sera? Oh, it's you! Trust me," the voice sounded almost too happy, "I'll come back tomorrow, you don't have to worry about me. I know mom sent you again, but I promise I'll show up!"

I shook my head, "Leilah, just tell me where you are."

"Nope!" I could hear the smile in her voice, "I don't want to! Besides, you aren't the boss... hic.... of me."

My eyes widened, "Leilah! Are you drunk?!"

I could hear a crash from the receiver, "what? No!"

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