Chapter #39 John

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     I rushed through the trees, avoiding the big prickly plants that stood in my way. I let out a relieved sigh when I saw a flurry of colour from far away. Finally, I would get this monster off my back!

    "Sera! Arlo!" I yelled, waving my arms around wildly, trying to grab their attention. "Activate your ability!" I could feel the wind ruffling my hair as I sped up, trying to get to them sooner.

"Activate your ability!" I repeated loudly, just making sure that they heard me. "There's this freaking bear behind me!"

But when I came close enough, I was surprised to see that none of them were looking at me. Actually, none of them even had there ability activated!

"Are you idiots?!" I raised my voice, "I said, activate your ability!" I was sure that they were going to hear me now, I mean, I'm seriously in front of them.

None of them responded, and they stayed in their exact same positions. When I got a closer look, I was shocked to see Sera on the ground, passed out. And Arlo crouching, muttering weird voodoo stuff under his breath.

"Now's not the time!" I ran quicker in their direction, "Sera! For gods sake, wake up! And Arlo! Stop acting creepy!"

But none of them moved, and time was running out. By now, I was right between both of them, and the bear was close.

Deciding that they weren't going to help at all, I ran towards the closest one. Arlo.

"Arlo!" I grabbed him by his hair, gripping my hands around his gold locks. "Activate your ability you idiot!"

He glanced at me, and widened his eyes when he saw me. Before I knew it, he started shaking. "Y-you died too?"

"What the h*ll is wrong with your guys!" I walked over to Sera, ignoring Arlo's stupid question. "Wake up!" I kicked lightly on the stomach, trying to see if she would wake up, but no luck.

"We are going to die if none of you do Anything!" I yelled louder, the fear and worry in my voice showed, and I was being more vulnerable than I had been in the past years.

"But we are all already dead," Arlo's whispered. "I died over there." He pointed to a ledge, and I could hear the river right under it.

"We are not dead!" I screamed, hitting the ground furiously. "When are you going to f*cking wake up and see that!"

The bear by now was right next to us, and it growled, it's black beady eyes staring right at mine. I shook, only realizing now that I was powerless against something like this, and could not do anything at all.

"Get up!" I yelled, trying to wake up both Arlo and Sera, who seemed stuck on some daydream or sleep.

Deciding that I didn't have anything else to lose. I ran up to Sera, lifting her up with one of my hands, and holding her up high. I grabbed the collar of her shirt, and waved her around.

"Bear," I taunted, trying to look confident. "Catch this!"

With that, I threw her a bit farther away, and watched as she slumped with a 'thump.' I kinda did feel sorry for using her as bait like this, but I just hoped she would wake up and use her ability. That way nobody dies!

Seems like the bear saw through my plan. And it just stood there. Looking and glaring at me. It didn't even glance at Sera! It stared at me almost like it was trying to challenge me. And I knew that in any other situation bit this, I would have been able to win, but not like this...

Then, much to my relief, Sera began to stir, rubbing her eyes and beginning to stand up. Although my mood dropped down when she began to cough, a red substance leaking out of her mouth.

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