Chapter #55 Seraphina

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"Wait, what?"

Taking a deep breath in, I turned over to Remi, a plain look on my face. "Do I have to repeat it again?" Crossing my arms, I leaned against the school wall, just right outside of the entrance. "The plan to get John expelled, forget it, it isn't going to happen."

The pinkette gave me and absurd look, waving her arms around dramatically and scowling. "Wait, last I heard, he was a manipulative cruel tyrant! One that wanted to control the school!"

Sighing again, I shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you Remi, a lot can happen in a couple of days."

"Yeah," she muttered dramatically. "Just like you became one of those vigilantes." Frowning, she turned to face me, a look of suspicion on her face. "Wait a sec, you never told me what happened to make you trust John. Besides, you used to call him Crow."

"He did act like one," I muttered to myself. "Anyways, if you want me to get into the depths of what happened, we may need to have a lot of time on our hands, and popcorn at that."

My pink haired best friend didnt laugh or smile, I didn't exactly blame her either. After the lunch bell had rang, we had both agreed to meet up here, since I needed to tell her the recent change in plan. John had changed, I was sure of it. Although I didn't exactly blame Remi for not being completely convinced, I was rather harsh on the subject before. Ingraining in her head that John was indeed a bad person.

Remi suddenly walk past me, still serious. "Well then, I might as well explain it to both Isen and Blyke, and maybe Arlo when it comes to it." She looked disappointed, and my heart sank when I realized it was probably directed at me. Did she really think I would let a threat simply walk around the school and still root for it? I knew she cared about the students, but she should realize that both of us were striving for the same goal.

"Arlo already knows," I mumbled, shrugging. I knew she would probably start rambling, saying how I should have talked to her first, and that both me and Arlo always keep secrets from her. However, to my dismay, she simply nodded, walking further and entering the school.

I took a shaky breath in, covering my face with my hands. Slowly kneeling down until both if my hands were curled around my knees, and my head buried. These days, the pressure seemed to be growing.

Not only did I have to deal with my grades, get the best scores and rank the highest. But I also had to watch over a friend of mine, making sure they didn't mess up and beat someone up for no reason. Oh, and don't forget the fact that someone is tracking me, and my little adventures at night are being put in peril. And I'd rather not remember the blue haired idiot that is walking around the school and influencing violence, not to mention he might revert John to his normal self... And new found problem, Remi might possibly hate me.

If I was being honest, I would admit to the fact that my throat was clogging up with the need to cry out my problems. But of course, there was nobody, no one who would help me, not in this situation.

Standing up, I shook my head. No, I could not allow myself to think that way, I have to be strong.

Dusting my knees, heading towards the door, explaining what had happened with John had took a while, and I had a feeling the bell was going to make itself apparent soon enough.

However, as I walked through the entrance of the school, I bumped into someone, sending them sprawling to the ground. Blinking repeatedly, I got out of my dazed thoughts, and I offered my hand.

The girl I had bumped into was rather short. Since she was about the same height as me, and although I hated to admit it, I was rather short when it came to it as well.

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