Chapter #43 John

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   "Did you get enough food?"

    All three of us looked up, happily mumbling a 'yes'.


"We already drank water," the teenage girl beside me piped in, "so you don't have to concern yourself for that."

"How about rest?"

We didn't answer, and I could tell right away that he knew what our response would be. What, with our half dead eyes and our constant stumble, it was a clear message.

"Well then," he sighed, and put a hand to his head, "you all good to go, you can go to your dorms to rest, actually, we suggest you do." He peered around at us once more, "you didn't get injured, did you?"

I wanted to shake my head. But I knew that the blonde haired boy beside me was. After all those wasp stings, he had to be hurt somehow. Technically speaking, I got quite a lot as well, but I was mature enough to admit that it was nothing close to his.

"Just," Keene shook his head, "do what you need to do. Go to the infirmary if you have to, just..." he diverted his eyes from us, and mumbled something that only I could hear. I was the closest to him after all. "Just, seeing you in this state is almost unbearable..."

He quickly left, opening the door to the other side of the office, and walking right out. Guilt was written all over his face, and although I couldn't stand him, I guess I didn't really want him to feel too bad.

"Today was disastrous..." Sera grumbled, closing her eyes and shaking her head, "I can't believe I acted that way."

"None of us can," I answered back, shrugging. "That's what happens when you miss out on your resources."

"Yeah, but still..."

I remembered those memories as clear as day...

"Leave me alone!" The blonde haired boy yelled, thrashing his arms around once he took note at both me and the magenta haired girls eyes. "I swear! I didn't do anything!"

"If you hadn't attracted those damn bees! We wouldn't be hear!" It was my turn to growl, and the feral sound erupted from my throat. "It's all your fault!"

He staggered back, shock on his face. "It was the bees that decided to go after me though!" He yelled in defense, trying to get our attention in something more convenient.

         "So," Sera stopped, and crossed her arms, "you expect us to nod at you and say, "yes, it was the bees fault, we shall now go chase them"." She cocked her head to the side, whispering a, "hm?"

        "Of course not," He denied, shaking his head, "Im not that stupid." But when I looked closer, I could tell that he truly wished we had believed that. Actually speaking, I might have, but its only because I am so hungry...

     "Come on," the voice came from Keene, "stop bothering the poor guy, he already has too much to deal with anyway."

     "Shut up Old man!" I yelled, agitation and resent filling me, "we wouldn't be here if you didn't send us!" And then like a lightbulb, it came to me. "You are the one to blame!"

     Sera shook her head, her eyes narrowed, and she sighed. "I feel like I'm not acting the way I would normally act," she mumbled, "meaning that I'm not acting accordingly." Sh bit her lip, and stared at the blonde haired boy, "we are acting like children, holding grudges on people who have no blame."

UnOrdinary: What if?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara