Chapter #56 John

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I sprang up when I felt a pat on my back, clenching my fists and readying myself for a fight. When I turned around to face the red haired boy, who had not too long ago resented me, I relaxed. He had a cheery aura around him, smiling widely and not exactly glaring at me.

Well, that's a first.

I'd be lying if I was to say that it wasn't confusion that filled me, how long ago had it been that he had attacked me? Getting angry for hurting the little midget pinkette once she had gotten in my way. It's not like I didn't regret the past, and the impression I made on the students on my first day.

"Good job," the boy continued on, "On the dodgeball." We were both the only ones standing in front of the change room, with no other students to but in our conversation. I didn't exactly know what to say back.

"Uh, thanks?" He seemed to notice the look of confusion in my eyes, because he cleared his throat, offering his hand.

"We didn't exactly start off well, did we." Holding his hand out, he continued. "I didn't exactly like what you did to Remi, if I was being honest, before, you looked like some crazed maniac..." he diverted his gaze so that he was looking away from me. "But, apparently Seraphina told Remi that you weren't that bad anymore, and I guess watching you play dodgeball today, it kinda made me realize that you might not be so bad..."

If my past self was watching this, I would have smacked his hand away, laughing with a venomous tint. But now, I actually felt a tinge of pride, in knowing that I had one more person who seemed to think I wasn't that bad. Reaching out to grab his hand, I shook it, trying to display my own smile.

"Thanks," I told him, shrugging. "To be honest, I'm not exactly proud of my actions back then either, and I really want to redeem myself for them."

H seemed content with that answer, and nodded. "Good to hear, anyways, you may have a problem with my friend... he kinda hates you, or, is really scared of you. Don't know what you did to him, but it seems it really affected him."

"Uh, and what's his name?"

The red head sighed, "Isen, ever heard of him? He said something about you forcing him to tell you what went around the school. And apparently," He glanced back, almost as if checking if someone was listening. "You scared him off pretty bad once, when he didn't do good enough or whatever. And he's been trying to avoid you ever since."

Thinking about it, I couldn't exactly pinpoint someone like that. Who had I been ordering around? To do what I had wanted?

"He works and writes articles for the school, y'know, trying to find news and all. He's a really good writer, and has orange and black hair-"

That rang a bell, and I squinted my eyes when remembering that boy. I had been pretty cruel to him, and had forgotten about him these past couple of days, good thing. Although I couldn't help but feel guilty...

"Yeah," I replied, and it was my turn to look away. "I was pretty cruel... you think I can apologize to him? Can you get him to meet up with me?"

Shrugging, the red head searched for words. "I'll try, but he doesn't exactly want to see you. It'll be problematic to try to persuade him. Just try to find him, he's pretty easy to find anyway, as long as you see him before he sees you." He glanced behind him, almost as if to indicate that the conversation was over. "Besides, he's a news reporter, he's basically everywhere, just make a scene, and he'll be sure to be there."

Taking in the information, I nodded. "Thanks, I'll try to speak with him." I gulped, looking the other way. "And apologize."

He nodded, and looking straight into my eye, he bit his lip, almost nervously. "So, the names Blyke." I was surprised to hear him introduce himself, almost as if I had expected the conversation to be left there. "Your name is John, right?"

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