Chapter #12 Seraphina

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Hello everyone. I just want to say thank you for reading! It really mean a lot to me, and I'm happy that you enjoy it! I also wanted to apologize for the late update. My wifi lately hasn't been working well, and I decided to post a very long chapter.

      Hope you enjoy!!!

      "Here is Rei!" Remi told me excitedly, pointing to a room.

I nodded, a smile grew on my face. She was so happy...

"So you finally got here!" The woman from before came from behind me. "You never answered my messages!"

I shrugged, and searched my pockets for my phone, "I was busy..." I stopped once I noticed that my phone wasn't there.

"You were busy?" The woman asked suspiciously, "with what?"

I froze, "I forgot my phone," I told both of them, ignoring the lady, "I'm going to need to look for it."

They both gave me confused looks, but I didn't have time for that. If that boy somehow got ahold of my phone, I would be done for!

"I'll come back as soon as I find it," I blurted out, "just wait here." With that, I raced down the hallways, using my ability so that I wouldn't attract attention.

"Room 51... cant be that one."

"Room 67, no."

"Room 88, I might as well.."

I entered the room that held the number 88, I knew that this wasn't the room, but I might as well try. Besides, I could probably find someone to ask for help.

My hand held my chest, and slowed down my panting. The injuries were still there from fight earlier, but I didn't pay much attention to them.

I opened the door, and was face to face with a nurse who looked like she was heading back.

"Hello?" I began, "Could you please answer a question?"

The nurse glared at me and completely ignored me, heading off to another room.

My throat felt dry and I stared at her in surprise. What was her problem? Did I do something wrong?

"Don't take it personal," a voice from inside the room commented, "she's always like that."

           I turned to look at a pale green haired boy. He offered a smile, and I gave him a look of confusion.

          "My name is Cashmir, but most people call me Cash," he offered his hand, "what about you?"

         I responded still dazed, "my name is Seraphina, nice to meet you." I shook his hand, and smiled.

        He looked at me in surprise, "I didn't think that you would stick around after that."

       "What do you mean?"

      "Well," he began, "most people aren't interested in saying hi to an injured person." He sighed, "they prefer powerful healthy people."

       I cocked my head, "does it really matter? We are both humans anyway..."

        He leaned against the wall, and I now realized that he was on a medical bed. "Your the first one who has thought like that."

       I shrugged, "everyone's different."

     The boy named Cashmir sat up straighter, "what were you asking the nurse anyway?"

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