Chapter #17 John

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I am physically, emotionally and mentally ready to enter a new phase in my life.

   'You did it!' A little voice in my head cheered, 'you made your first step towards victory!'

I kicked a pebble as I walked through the outside alleys, "I guess..."

'Oh come one,' the little voice grumbled, 'can't you be at least a little happy with the accomplishment?'

          I sighed, "was the way to victory really worth it?"

I looked around, making no one was near to hear me talking to myself. At this rate, I'm going to become crazy!

'Of course the victory was worth it. What else did you want?'

"I wanted everyone to be happy with the change." I said aloud, "I don't expect it right away, but I think now that some people will never be happy with a stronger king."

'Does it really matter?'

I glared at the ground, thinking back to when I lost control and almost blew up the blonde haired boy. Did I go too far?

I clutched my head, glowering at the memory of the hatred in the red haired boys eyes. His hatred pointed towards me.

Then I remembered the Pinkette who dashed to save Arlo. She was desperate, and wanted to help him, but ended up getting herself into trouble.

'What about the magenta haired girl?' The voice asked, 'do you regret hurting her a few months back?'

I shook my head, "no, she deserved that."

Silence hung in the air, and I fidgeted with my fingers.

"That wasn't the right decision was it?" I asked to nobody in particular, "instead of making enemy's, I should be making allies. If I need allies, I need Sera and the other group of royals on my side."

'Good luck with that.'

I threw my head back, "how am I going to convince them that I'm not a threat?"

'You can't, Seraphina already knows you well enough, so she will see right through you every time you act. And for the others, well, I don't think they are stupid either.'

I grumbled a few profanities, "well then, what do I do?"

'Maybe acting would work, you just need to do it at the right time.'

I nodded, "Okay that works." Who knew my brain could be so smart!

I walked towards the girls dormitory, maybe I should try apologizing now...

'Are you an idiot? You can't do it now! Not after dethroning the king!'

I shrugged, "Better now than never."

'Your hopeless...'

Its just an act right? No point in making such a fuss about it, besides, how smart can this girl be? I doubt that she could tell the difference between me faking, and ordinary me.

* * * * *

I marched up the girls dormitory stairs, I had already gotten the informations from some others girls (it was forced) and found out where the magenta haired girls dorm was.

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