Chapter #35 John

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      I sighed, the hot sun was getting to me. And with everything going on, I needed some type of break. Dig, run from a pack of hornets, dig, run, dig, run. That was the cycle, and it's was getting really annoying.

     "Pennyroyal?" The voice repeated, more impatient this time. I could feel the venom in the tone she used, and the exhaustion in her voice as she spoke.

     "Check," I groaned, leaning to the side. "Can't you kept us have a rest? We've been at it all day!"

     She glared at me, "oh? And you think I haven't?" She picked up the guide, and ignored my plea, "Gingko Biloba?"

      I walked over to the tall tree, and rested my head against it. But even though I was sick of it, the word faintly crossed my lips. "Check..."

     I heard a sigh of contentment come from my companion on the left. Who was also silently groaning. His blonde hair shone out apart, and I could tell that both me and him were tired.

     "St. John's Wort?" She asked, and for some reason, I could hear the faint sound of a snicker in her voice. Almost as if she laughed at the joke in it.


      But I also had to laugh, because the moment we got it, just as I recall, was certainly one to remember.

     "So this is St. John's Wort?" The blonde haired boy beside me crossed his arms. He cocked his head to the side and snorted. "Well, that herb certainly has nothing to do with you."

     I, completely tired. Couldn't really process much of things he said, so I glared at him, for some reason, anger coated my eyes. "And what's that supposed to mean?!"

     The girl right beside me pinched the bridge of her nose. A frown stretching across her face. "John, don't look for a fight. It'll get the job done faster."

     I turned to her, "you don't tell me what to do."

     "Well, he sure is grumpy."

     I spun around, facing Arlo once again. "Don't you start it," I warned, "I don't want to get in a fight..."

     He grinned, "oh trust me, you do. Your just too tired to admit it, you want someone to blame this whole fiasco on. And getting your anger out is the one thing you can't do."

    I approached him, and grabbed the black tie around his neck. "Is that a challenge?" My eyes burned with hatred, and I knew that I was going to lose it.

"Will you both please focus?!" Seraphina turned to both of us, and glared. "I swear, I'll leave you two out here, and leave with all the herbs if you don't fix these little side tantrums you have!"

"Leave us?" Arlo cocked his head, "and let me ask you Seraphina, how would that affect us in the slightest? You have the herbs, and are not willing to let them go, so leaving us would simply help us if you ask me..."

Arlo didn't get to finish that sentence, because before he could, Seraphina was right in front of him. "Andate a la mierda," she growled, and I cocked my head.

"What does that mean?" I watched amused as Seraphinas fist made contact with Arlo's face. He crashed right into a tree, and let out a soft groan.

"I took Spanish for language," she told me menacingly. "I'm guessing you didn't take a language at all."

I shrugged, "what's learning a new language going to do? Teach you the wonders of the world?" I added a bit of sarcasm on the last bit, trying to anger her for who knows what.

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