What a day

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Bullying, swearing, violence,

To say Peter was having a bad day was an understatement.

He has had 2 sensory overloads in a matter of 3 hours, his clothes were soaked because of the heavy rain outside, he and May got in a fight when he was getting ready for school, he got little to no sleep, and he didn't eat breakfast.

Peter walked into midtown high miserable. "Hey, Peter!" Ned, his best friend yelled.

Peter gave him a small smile and then turned to his locker.

"So I got a new Star Wars LEGO set! Do you want to come over this weekend and build it with me? Its limited addition, I'm so happy I got it!" Ned rambled.

Peter looked up, "Ned, I love you but please shut up."

"Sorry, Pete."

"Sorry man, just a bad day" Peter said apologetically.

"No problem, dude. Anyway-"

"SUP, PENIS!" Flash yelled. Flash slammed Peter against a locker.

"Go away, Flash!" Ned yelled.

"Shut up, Fatty. Hey, Penis, how are the parents?" Flash mocked, "Oh wait! They're dead!"

That pissed Peter off. "Just shut up, Flash." Peter mumbled.

"Oh? Is little Petey gonna cry? Why don't you go tell your Uncle about how much of a meanie I am?" Flash laughed. "Oh wait!"

Something in Peter snapped. "I said SHUT UP!" The hall got silent as teenagers started to watch the interaction between Peter and Flash.

"What are you gonna do, Penis? Scram before I beat the shit out of you." Flash sneered.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you try."

A few "ooh's" and "oh shit's" were heard from the crowd.

Flash's face hardened and he punched Peter in the eye. 'That's gonna bruise' Peter thought.

Flash took another swing at his cheek but before he could hit Peter, Peter cough his wrist and squeezed, breaking it in the process.

Flash yelled in pain. "You're dead, Parker!" He punched Peter again, but this time in the gut. Peter wheezed. Peter punched Flash in the jaw, causing Flash to stumble back. He was about to kick Flash in the knee when a teacher ran out.

"STOP! PETER, FLASH TO THE OFFICE NOW!" The teacher screeched.

When they got into the office they were pushed into their seats which were a good distance apart from each other.

The principal looked at them with a disappointed look on his face. "Flash, your parents are on their way. Peter your Aunt couldn't make it. So we called someone named Happy Hogan, who your Aunt told us to call."

"Now tell me what happened." Before Peter could say anything Flash started yelling. "I was walking down the hall and Peter just started hitting me! I told him to stop but he wouldn't! I was defending myself!"


Flash got out of his seat and threw himself at Peter. Peter side stepped and pushed him into a pile of chairs. "ENOUGH BOYS! We'll talk punishments later. You need to go home, both of you."

Happy put a hand on Peter's back and mumbled "let's go." Peter wanted to break something.

When they got into the car Happy looked at Peter and said, "kid you're going to the tower. Tony wanted to work on something with you. Also the rogue avengers are there right now. So just calm down"

Peter huffed and sat in silence the whole car ride.

When they got to the tower Peter was on the verge lashing out. He was so angry. Today has been the worst day of his life.

They rode in the elevator in silence. The elevator opened and Happy walked out first and told Tony about the situation and to take it easy on Peter.

Peter walked out of the elevator and into the kitchen where he met a man carrying a hammer; Thor.

Peter ran out of the Kitchen and back to Tony. "Hey, Kid. School must've been rough." Tony said awkwardly.

"Yeah school sucked but MR.STARK THERES A GOD IN THE KITCHEN." Peter whisper-yelled. Tony laughed. "Do you want to meet Thor?" Tony asked. Peter smiled and replied "Yes oh my god I'm gonna meet a god! Maybe today won't be that bad after all." Tony patted Peter's back

Then the elevator dinged and out stepped a blonde man and a red haired woman. Steve and Natasha

Peter took a step back. His rage climbing up fast again. He didn't exactly have nice feelings towards Steve.

"Mr.Stark, can we go to the gym please?" He asked through clenched teeth. Tony looked at him curiously and nodded.

Steve looked at the pair and said "Who's the kid, Stark?" Tony was about to reply but Peter cut him off.

"The kid is someone who kicked your ass in Germany." He smirked.

Steve rolled his eyes and then they widened. "You're the spider guy! Tony you brought a kid to fight us!?"

Tony shrugged and said, "well he held his own against you so I don't see the problem here."

"The problem is that I could have killed him!"

"Killed me?! You'd have to catch me first!" Peter laughed.

Steve rolled his eyes, obviously getting annoyed by this kid.

"Kid, I could break you with just a snap of my finger"

"Yeah wanna bet? Let's arm wrestle."

Steve nodded. He was about to beat a kids ass and not feel bad about it.

They got connected their hands on a table. Clint walked out in a referee suit and said "3, 2, 1!" He blew a whistle and they started.

Steve used all of his force and somehow this kid was still holding his own.

Peter yawned and soon enough got bored. He finally used his force and smashed Steve's hand down, breaking the table in the process.

"Suck it, bitch."

"Language." Steve mumbled, embarrassed.

❣️So I have no idea where this story went towards the end.

Feel free to leave requests for future one-shots.


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