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TRIGGER WARNINGS: (Car) Crashes, injuries, puking!

Edit: March 24, 2021, fixed spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, added sentences.

Ned and Peter were currently on the bus going on a field trip.

"I'm so excited to go to LEGO world! It's the first non-educational field trip we've had in years!" Ned said with glee. His whole face was just pure joy.

Peter nodded, in agreement. 

He wishes he could be more excited for this field trip, at least for Ned's sake but he just couldnt. His Spider-sense had been warning him of something since the bus had started driving on the bridge.

Then all of a sudden, everyone on the bus was forcefully jerked from side to side. Peter steadied himself and grabbed on to Ned, steadying him too. His classmates were all groaning and some were on the floor of the bus.

He looked out of the nearest window, trying to take in what had just happened. 

The bus hit a car and skidded against the side of the bridge, breaking the safety barriers. The front half of the bus was hanging off about to go crashing into the water under them.

Teenagers shrieked, "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"  While others cried.

Ned kept side glancing at Peter as if saying, 'Well are you gonna help us or not?'

Peter slowly stood up causing the bus to slide further off the bridge.

More students screamed.

"ALRIGHT NOBODY MOVE!" The bus driver yelled, trying to keep the panic out of his voice.

Peter didn't sit back down though. He slowly made his way to the back of the bus, opening the exit.

"What the hell are you doing, Parker?!" Flash shouted. Peter glared. "I know what I'm doing, just, don't move."

Peter leaped out of the bus and ripped his clothes off, revealing his Spider-Man suit to all the spectators on the bridge watching the situation.

"OH MY GOD, ITS SPIDER-MAN!" The onlookers yelled.

People took out their phones and began recording while helicopters belonging to reporters began live streaming.

Peter tugged on his Spider-Man mask and webbed the back of the bus, trying to pull it up. But the bus didn't go up that easily. Instead, the edge of the bridge started breaking away causing the bus to slide down while he was pulling it.

Peter felt his muscles tense, he groaned in pain. 'My arms feel like they're being torn off!'

More kids screamed, Flash stood up and more kids followed. The bus started falling quicker and Spider-Man was being dragged with it.

Spectators screamed in alarm and the cries got more loud and urgent from the bus.

He tried to dig his feet into the bridge to make himself more stable but It didn't work, he was still being dragged by the bus.

Spider-Man yelled behind him to the onlookers, "SOMEONE CALL THE AVENGERS OR SOMETHING!"

And then in a moment of silence, the bus fell, taking Spider-Man down with it.

Screams and cries were heard from all around.

"Oh my god!"

"They're all gonna die!"

"Where are the Avengers?!"

As Spider-Man fell through the air he aimed a web toward the bus and another toward the bridge.

They connected at the same time, the full force hitting him instantaneously. 

He screamed in agony as his left arm was being pulled down by a bus and his right arm was trying to keep him and the bus up from falling into the rushing water down below.

Tears were forcing themselves out of his eyes from the sheer pain and were being soaked up by his suit

"Don't-" Spider-Man took a deep breath, trying to show he has the situation handled, even though he really doesn't. "Don't worry! I've got you! Just uh- just don't move!"

Spectators got closer to the edge of the bridge as they watched Spider-Man.

"Oh my god, he caught them!"

"They aren't dead!"

"Seriously, where the fuck are the Avengers?!"

Hearing the spectators get closer to the edge of the bridge only made his anxiety worse, he wouldn't be able to catch any of them if they fell.

He took a deep breath and tried to keep his focus on the bus and the people in it.

He just couldn't focus though, his arms were being torn out of their sockets. "GAHH" he cried through gritted teeth.

He could feel everything in his arm being torn apart. His arms were burning and he couldn't stop the tears. It hurt so bad.

'Where is Mr.Stark?!' His mind screamed.

He could feel his chest getting heavy as the skin started tearing from his arms being pulled apart, his suit started filling with blood.

He tried to pull the bus closer up to him but he couldn't move his arms. They were numb.

His eyelids started getting heavy and black spots danced over his vision. He was going to die.

He didn't want to die this way, he still had so many lives in his hand. If they died, it would be his fault.

He fought so hard on keeping his eyes open that he almost didn't notice the sound of someone flying near him.

The crowd began to cheer about something, but he just couldn't make out what it was. The weight of the bus was gone almost immediately and Peter's eyes shot open. 

"M.. strk?" He mumbled. He looked down realizing that Mr.Stark saved the bus full of kids.

He looked back at Mr.Stark and said, "thank you." he closed his eyes and dropped from his web, and started plummeting towards the water.

Tony froze for a split second before diving after him in the suit.

He caught Peter right before he smacked into the water.

"Oh my God, Kid." He breathed out.

He flew them to the top of the bridge and held him bridal style.

 "Nobody was hurt thanks to Spider-Man. He gets the credit. So if I see even one article about him being a menace I'll hunt you down and we'll have a nice "talk""

Tony flew Peter back to the tower and put him in the Med Bay. After a few hours, he was told by Bruce that Peter was going to be okay. He sighed from relief

A few more hours later Peter finally woke up.

"Hey, mistuhhh Sterrkk... where are my armzzz?" He said before he shot up from the bed and puked.

"You're okay kid. You're okay."

Peter nodded and opened his mouth to reply.

"And everyone on the bus is fine too."

Peter smiled and collapsed back onto his pillow.

He was okay, they were okay.

❣️Sorry I was gone for so long, I just didn't know what to update with so I created this within an hour. It was pretty rushed so I'm sorry if it kinda sucks!

Feel free to leave requests!


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