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❣️The avengers don't know Spider-Man's identity in this one and aren't allies either.❣️

"Spider-Man, over here! How do you feel about your latest defeat of the Green Goblin?" A reporter screamed in his face.

Peter actually had no idea what she said, because well, he was deaf. He is a good lip reader but she was screaming so wildly it was hard to make out what she said.

Of course, he had hearing aids that help him hear but he didn't put them in, he never does when he was Spider-Man. If he focused more on his Spider sense rather than his hearing then it was easier to fight criminals.

He just gave a thumbs up in hopes it answered whatever she said.

He quickly ran into an alley and changed into civilian clothes. He looked at his phone and- shoot! He was late for school.

He ran on the sidewalk dodging every obstacle and person he comes by. Well almost everyone. Peter crashed against a man. The man didn't even budge, Peter could have sworn he was a rock.

But nope. It was just Captain America. WAIT, CAPTAIN AMERICA?! Peters eyes grew huge as he realized he just ran into a battle zone but more shockingly, Captain freaking America.

The avengers against some weird alien things. Captain America looked down towards Peter who was still frozen in shock.

He pushed Peter a little so that he would realize what he was doing and where he was. Peter shook his head out of his daze, just in time for his Spidey sense to go off.

He quickly grabbed Captain America's arm and pulled him from the spot he was just standing in, the spot that just got crushed with a piece of a building that fell.

Captain America looked at him in shock. He nodded at Peter and patted his back before running off to join the fight again. Peter smiled before running to school.

At least now he has an excuse for being late.


Peter burst through his classroom door, drawing the attention of everyone. "You guys are not gonna believe what just happened to me!" He yelled.

"Mr.Parker, I hope you have a good excuse for coming in late and disturbing the peace of this class time!" His teacher, Mr.Brown snapped.

"I do! And oh boy is it a story for you!"

"Oh I see you have finally decided to wear your hearing aids." The teacher commented.

Peter nodded and told everyone the story. Peoples jaw dropped when he said that he just met Captain America.

"Likely excuse!" Flash yelled from the back of the class. His friends snickering when he yelled.

"It's true!" Peter whined.

"Alright! Enough! Sit down and let me continue with my class." Mr.Brown rolled his eyes.


After school Peter said a quick goodbye to Ned and Mj and ran off. He put his hood up and walked his usual route back to his home.

And then he bumped into someone- again. Wow Peter you just can't watch where you're going, can you? He mentally scolded himself.

He looked up and it was a woman with red hair. "Sorry." He mumbled and continued on with his walk. A blonde hair man looked at Peter and said, "Kid, Wait!" And grabbed Peter's shoulder.

Peter tensed and swung around. "Oh shit." His jaw dropped when he realized that standing in front of him is the Avengers. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry Ms.Black widow! I didn't know it was you!" He panicked.

Now he's caught every Avengers attention. "It's okay." She said, trying to calm him down. "Anyway-" Steve said, "You're that kid from earlier who saved my life!"

Clint spit out his food. "That was him! Kid, he wouldn't stop talking about how you saved him."

Tony laughed, "How did you move him? You're so scrawny- no offense." Peter shrugged and said "it can't be that hard to move him." Peter was slowly backing up but Natasha seemed to notice.

"Why are you trying to leave? You got somewhere to go?" Natasha pressed.

Peter nodded and was about to run off when Tony said "Well, why don't you come to the tower? I'm sure you'd love to hear all about me- Uh the Avengers."

"Uh I would love to but-"

Tony clapped, "great! Come with us!"


As they entered the main area where the Avengers usually just hang out Peter grew more nervous with each step.

Another man walked in, he looked very familiar to Peter. And then Peter realized who it was, his eyes grew wide. "Holy shit! You're Bruce Banner."

Bruce nodded shyly, "yeah I'm the Hul-"

"You're the most renowned scientist of the generation! I've read all of your books!" He fangirled. Bruce looked shocked, almost like he wanted to cry.

"Oh! I have one of your books in my backpack, could you sign it please?" Bruce nodded and signed it.

"I cannot believe I just met Bruce Banner." He mumbled, star struck.

Bruce blushed, he's never been fangirled over as Bruce.

Tony scoffed, "what about me, Kid? Don't you want my autograph."

Peter shrugged, "No offense but Bruce Banner is cooler." Tony put his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt.

Peter's hearing aids vibrated in his ears signaling that they were about to die in a few minutes. Peter shrugged it off thinking he wasn't going to be at the tower for very long.

"So why am I here?" Peter asked.

"Tell us about yourself, Kid." Steve said.

"Um.. My name is Peter Parker and I go to midtown high. I live with my Aunt May in an apartment, I love science and I'm 16."

"What's your IQ?" Tony asked curiously. Peter shrugged.

"Why do you live with your aunt and not your parents?" Natasha asked skeptically.

"Oh they're dead." Peter said as if it was a normal everyday thing. An awkward silence appeared in the room.

Well actually it wasn't an awkward silence because Peter's hearing aid died. He couldn't hear them.

Peter could feel his heart pounding and his face get red as everyone watched him, probably waiting for an answer. "Uh could you say that again?"

Steve nodded and said something really long that Peter couldn't remember. Natasha looked at Peter trying to figure out what he was thinking and why he wasn't answering the question, just then she noticed the hearing aids in Peter's ears.

'Did your hearing aids die?' She signed. The rest of the Avengers looked at Natasha as if she was stupid.

Peter nodded. Clint spit out his popcorn, he signed 'No way, You're deaf too?! Deaf club! High five' Peter laughed and high fived him.

"What's going on here?" Tony asked. Natasha explained the situation, Tony made and o shape with his mouth in understanding.

Clint quickly yelled, "I call dibs on this kid!" And looked at Peter with an evil look that made Peter look at Clint suspiciously.

Clint smirked.

❣️I'm running out of ideas oof.

Part 2 where they find out his identity?

Sorry if a lot of this wasn't very accurate. I don't know shit about hearing aids or deaf people.


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