I'll avenge you

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Swearing, mention of death,

It was supposed to be a simple mission. Grab the bomb, deactivate it, go back to the tower. But it didn't go as planned - it almost never does.

"Alright Pete, now cut the red wire." Peter nodded and cut it.

The bomb was deactivated. If it did explode it would have leveled the entire area of Queens Kinda like that one Green Arrow episode.

"Alright now bring us the bomb, okay? And don't drop it. Any unsubtle movement could activate it anyway." Tony explained.

He picked up the bomb and brought it out he was about to hand it to Captain America when he noticed a blonde hair man out of the corner of his eye.

Flint Marko, uncle Ben's killer. (He isn't dead in this because then I wouldn't have something to write about)

Peter saw red. He dropped the bomb causing the Avengers to yell in fear of it blowing up. It didn't though.

Peter never took his eyes off of Flint. "You motherfucker!" He screamed while Tony held him back.

Flint mumbled a quick "oh shit" before trying to run off.

Peter threw himself out of Tony's arms and ran right up to Flint and punched him square in the jaw.

The Avengers thought Peter would stop right after the man fell to the ground but he didn't. Instead he kicked the man in the ribs over and over again.

The man yelled in pain and curled in on himself.

"Spider-Man, stop!" Steve yelled. "Stop!"

Steve grabbed Peter and held his arms back and kneeled him on the ground. "Stop."

"No!" Peter cried.

Spectators were shocked while others told him to beat the man's ass. One person even recorded the whole thing.

"He killed my uncle!" He screamed. "And I'll kill him for that!"

After a few minutes of calming Peter down he gave up.

"Fine. But I get to put the handcuffs on him." Peter grumbled.

Steve nodded in understanding, of course Peter would want some type of revenge.

After Flint was taken away in a cop car Peter's Spider sense wouldn't die down. It would get worse and it was a real pain.

"Guys I think there's something wrong."

Tony looked at Peter, concerned. "What is it?"

And then the bomb exploded.

❣️Sorry for this sort sucky chapter I just wanted to get something out.

So Hamilton was amazing. King George did a Fortnite dance which was funny as hell.

Y'all this book is blowing up and I want to thank you guys again for reading☺️


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