Recruiting Tony Stark

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TRIGGER WARNINGS:Depression, Swearing, mention of torture, being used??

❣️Okay I know this is a Spider-man one shot book but I love writing about Tony Stark and I have quite a bit of drafts about him. Would you guys mind if I post them? If not I could make my own separate One shot book for Tony Stark. Would you guys like that or should I keep the one shots in here? I also really like writing angst I just don't know solutions for them and I know people don't like seeing their favorite people out of "character" so thats why I don't make my one shots extremely angsty.❣️

Tony had heard about this new group called the Avengers. He had even been recruited, but he never joined. He had some reasons: One is that after the whole being held captive thing he could never think of himself going into battle. Two is Captain America is on the team.

He had only meant Captain America once and that was when Loki tried to take over New York. After that he left it to the Avengers to solve everything.

Sometimes he does regret not joining the Avengers but then he reminds himself of being held captive and being tutored, even if he had said yes there was no way that he would actually go into battle.

Now Tony just spends most of his times in the lab working on ways to improve his iron man suits.

Would he call himself selfish for not wanting to fight and save lives? Yes and no. Yes because he's a billionaire and he could say and do anything to help people. No because he doesn't want to die yet.

You may not believe it but, Tony actually wants a wife and kids, someone to carry on the Stark name and do good for the world.

Tony may not have done a lot of good for the world but his kid sure as hell would. Well, Tony has done one good thing and that was stopping the weapon manufacturing.

A loud knock on his lab door shocked him out of his trance. "Friday who is at the door?"

"It seems to be the Avengers and Nick Fury, Sir." The AI responded

"Open the door I guess." He said, while rolling his eyes.

Tony watched as everybody entered the lab and sighed. He dropped his tools and stared at everyone, demanding an answer as to why they were interrupting his lab time.

"Join the avengers." Fury demanded.

"Wow. You come waltzing into the safety of my home and make demands towards me. I'm hurt." He said in a monotone voice.

"This is not a game, Stark. We need someone like you on our team." Steve said.

"Please. You only want me because I have money. Which by the way I don't mind being used to fund the Avengers, I just don't want to be bossed around by Mr.Pirate over there." He said, gesturing to an angry Nick Fury.

Just as Steve was about to respond, Natasha slammed her hands on the table. "You will join the Avengers! You owe us this!" She said in a deadly tone.

"I don't owe you anything, Red."

Steve pulled Natasha away from the table and took a deep breath. "Just- Please give the Avengers a chance."

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't need this in his life, he didn't want this life. "Fine. Now get out of my lab before I kick you out of my building."

Steve looked at Fury obviously thinking that was easier than he expected.

A few months later everything was running smoothly but Tony was still not getting used to people living in his tower. He wasn't used to being greeted in the morning by people other than Pepper, Happy, and sometimes the kid.

He hated sharing his coffee machine- His precious coffee machine being used by people other than him. He couldn't stand sharing everything with them, not only were they using his stuff they were trying to find out his secrets!

It's like he doesn't have any personal space anymore. Yeah company is good every once in awhile but not everyday.

Tony groaned and walked out of his lab looking like a zombie. He was running on coffee and that was it. He hasn't slept for two days. He would have slept if the Avengers weren't demanding new weapons or upgrades like every second! And frankly, Tony was getting sick of it.

He trudged to the kitchen, was about to pour himself a cup of coffee when he realized he was being watched by all of the Avengers. They were all having breakfast as a family. He rolled his eyes at him and put his cup back and grabbed the whole pot of coffee to take with him back to the lab.

"Tony." Bruce said worriedly. "Have breakfast with us. You need to get something solid in your system. Drinking coffee every waking moment is not healthy for you."

Tony groaned in annoyance. "I need to work."

"Sit." Bruce said, not accepting 'No' for an answer.

"Fine." Tony gave in and sat at the table with them. He immediately put his forehead on the table, not wanting to talk to them. Can't having them live there just be enough? Why do they need to socialize with him.

Steve set a plate in front of Tony's head. Tony slowly picked his head up and grabbed a fork and shoved eggs in his mouth. Tony was about to insult him when Clint said, "So when are you going to finish our weapons? We've been waiting for days!?"

"Do you want them fast or do you want them good?" Tony responded.


Tony groaned, "I'm trying to get them done, Barton. That's why I've been in the lab for so long."

Clint rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. I bet you were just drinking!"

Ouch. That hurt Tony a little bit. "Fine. I just won't upgrade yours and I could just get rid of my partnership with Shield and never let you guys here again."

"Okay guys shut up and enjoy your meal." Natasha spoke.

They peacefully  continued to eat for a little while more until Clint decided to break the silence- again.

"So why do you-"

Tony lost it. "Can you shut up?!" He growled. Clint was about to speak but Tony wasn't done. "I've been funding you guys, I gave most of you a home, I'm building you guys weapons! I've done everything for you and I haven't gotten a single thank you! You know what I get? I get more complaints about how none of this is good enough. If you want something done then do it yourself! This is exactly why I didn't want to join the Avengers. Fuck you guys."

He stood up and left.

And thats why Tony decided to stop funding the Avengers and and never let them within twenty feet within the Avengers tower.

Fuck the Avengers.

❣️Okay so that was a rushed ending because I once again didn't know how to end it.

If you requested I am working on them.



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