After Vulture

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The Avengers (Including Iron man) don't know spider-mans identity, civil war never happened, Peter made his own suit (like the one tony made for him) and hes wearing it in this story, not the pajamas.


The damage of Vulture incident was all over the beach, the fires, the destroyed aircraft owned by Tony Stark.

Peter was shocked he didn't die in the crash.

Peter was currently on his knees, taking in the scene around him and The unconscious Vulture next to him. He made sure The Vulture was tied so he couldn't break free.

His suit has tears all over, and where his skin was exposed there was blood dripping out of it. Peter tries to stand but his legs give out when he puts pressure on his left foot.

He lifts his mask over his nose and spits out blood. This is definitely not damage that is going to heal itself.

In the distance he hears people.

-With the Avengers-

Happy runs into the living room of the avengers compound. His presence quickly puts everyone on their feet.

"Tony, your aircraft crash landed on a beach. You need to go before someone steals the stuff inside of it!"

"What?!" The Avengers say in unison.

-At the scene now with the Avengers-

"Holy shit is that Spider-man?" Clint gasps at the sight of seeing Spider-Man spitting up blood on the sand in the middle of the destruction.

"Is he okay?" Steve asks.

Tony runs towards him, the avengers following along.

Peter could see the avengers running at him through his blurred vision. He was about to speak but he jerked over and threw up.

The Avengers had never seen him in this type of condition before. They had only worked with him every once in awhile.

"Bruce?" Tony said, gesturing for him to check out Spidey.

Bruce put his hand on Peter's back and spoke to him.

"Can you hear me, Spidey? If you can make a noise."

Peter groaned, he felt a massive headache coming on. "C-cant walk."

Steve walked in front of Peter, trying to help him up.

"No, no, no, no, no." Peter repeated over and over. Natasha looked at him, speechless. He was acting like a child-

"Guys, I know we assumed Spider man was young but what if hes just a teenager. I mean- it would make sense."

"G-gonna- i'm gonna-"

Peter puked again. Nothing was left in his stomach, he was puking up nothing but stomach acid. He cried out in pain.

"Jesus Christ." Tony said, shocked. "Hes gotta be like sixteen."

This time Tony and Steve tried to help Peter up.

"On the count of three. 1, 2, 3!"

They help Peter up.

The pain overwhelms Peter and he passes out.


❣️Sorry it's so short, I just really liked the idea and wanted to write this as a small one shot. I know its not very descriptive either.

Also this isn't spell checked or grammar checked or anything so OOPS

I have a lot of drafts that are almost done, almost all of them 1-2k long.



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