We can help

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TRIGGER WARNINGS: Food, death, blood, swearing

Peter finally finished his homework and walked out of his room to be greeted by the delicious smell of food. "Smells good May! What are you making!"

Peter stopped, his spider sense was warning him of something. As he got closer to May his body was urging him to walk away.

"Oh I'm making your favorite! Sloppy joes!" May smiled.

Peter nodded distractingly. What was his spider sense trying to alert him of?

Peter scanned the living room, kitchen, and even bathroom. And then something caught his eye. It was the oven. It was about to cause a gas explosion.

"Aunt May we have to leave be-"

The oven exploded sending the building tumbling down. Peter heard screams all around and he was trying to keep consciousnesses.

"M-May? May where are you?" He mumbled. The ringing in his ears were as loud as church bells.

Peter got up and stumbled a few feet before collapsing again. "May?!" He cried out.

Off in the distance he could see people racing towards the building, trying to find any sign of life.

Peter stood up slowly and waved his arms in the air. "Help.." He stumbled out of the rubble and into an alleyway.

The people needed Spider-Man.

He ran out of the alleyway in the Spider-Man suit and searched for May in the rubble. "Hello?!" He yelled, trying to sound as if a building didn't just collapse on him.

A small groan was heard from the rubble. "Hello?!" Peter yelled. "H-help" Peter scanned the area and saw a hand. He sprinted over there and threw the rubble off of the person. The person was May.

"T-Thank you.. Pete." Peter froze. "May... how did you know?" May let out a slight laugh "I know everything."

"Peter.. I'm-" May coughed up blood. "I'm so proud of you." And then May went limp.

Peter let out a loud yell and started sobbing. "May? May! MAY PLEASE! YOU-YOURE ALL I HAVE! PLEASE!"

Meanwhile with Tony

"So you're all going to be staying here and you can't go out in public until the Accords are completely done with. You do not have full access of the tower." Tony explained to the rouge avengers.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Why don't we have full
Access? We used to when we lived here."

"Oh I don't know, maybe it's because you all betrayed me and I don't trust you anymore."

Steve scoffed. Natasha smacked Steve on the shoulder. "Be grateful that he's even giving us a place to stay."

Tony was about to agree when he got a notification on his phone. "Shit."

The ex avengers could see the mood change in Tony and were a little curious.

"What's wrong, Stark?" Tony looked at Steve and then ran out the door.


Tony ran towards the rubble and looked towards an alley where he saw Peter.

As he inched closer to the alleyway he heard small sobs. "Kid.. what happened?"

Peter looked at Tony with watery eyes, he had red cheeks and looked extremely distressed. Peter didn't even make an effort to take off the whole suit, just the mask. And damn did that break Tony's heart.

"I c-couldn't do it." He sobbed out. "Do what, Bud?" Tony slowly knelt down to Peters level.

"Save her! I couldn't save her! I'm- im all alone now. She uh- she was all I had.. she was all I had.." he cried.

Tony didn't know what to say. He wrapped his arms around Peter while Peter sobbed into his shirt.

"Pete, it's gonna be alright okay? I'm gonna take you to my home okay? You're gonna stay with me. You're gonna stay with me, bud."

Peter nodded while wiping the tears from his eyes.

Tony put an arm around Peter's shoulders and they walked back to the tower.

By the time they walked into the tower Peter had stopped crying, he was just sniffing.

"Kid, you might see the rogue avengers. So we're going to try to avoid them." Tony explained. Peter nodded.

It didn't go as planned at all.

Steve walked into the room and looked at Peter. "Tony why's there a kid here?"

"None of your business, Rogers" Tony replied.

Clint's head snapped up at the word 'kid'. "There's a kid here?" He ran towards Peter and put his hand out for Peter to shake. "Hey what's your name, Buddy?"

Peter slowly moved towards Tony, clearly uncomfortable. Tony rolled his eyes, "He's a kid, not an alien."

Tony put his hand on Peter's back, leading him away from the crowd and into his new room.

"You're gonna be staying here. You have full access to the tower. If you get lost you can ask Friday where to go. Okay?" Peter nodded.

It will take awhile for Peter to get used to not having May around. It will take awhile for Peter to be happy again. But in the long run, he will be okay again, and that's because he has Tony.

❣️Sorry I have such a bad updating schedule, I try to update everyday but I don't know how to finish stories.

Part 2?


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