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"That was completely reckless and you could have died!" Tony yelled at Peter, standing on top of a building.

"If I didn't stop that maniac then no one would have! Thousands could have died." Peter shot back.

His suit was ripped, burnt, and just completely and utterly wrecked. His mask had half of the top ripped off, showing his left eye and the left side of his hair. He was bleeding from most of his cuts but he has no real bad damage. Well, at least as far as he can tell he doesn't have any bad damage.

"Someone else would have handled it! You are still new to the hero world. You have no idea what you are doing!"

"Nobody else would have handled it! Nobody even cared for it, that woman was worse than Vulture! She was making people violent, turning people against each other. She was making people kill each other! "

Tony stepped out of his suit and towered over Peter as if he was trying to intimidate him into standing down and not arguing.

"Kid, you are not strong enough to fight villains like that." He growled back.

Though Tony was towering over him Peter didn't back down.

Peter threw his arms up in rage and yelled back, "Not strong enough? I can lift 10 tons and you're saying I'm not strong enough! I'm stronger than you, with and without my suit! You aren't even that strong without your suit."

"That's not the goddamn POINT!" Tony roared back in Peter's face. "Other people could have handled the Villain Shriek but you couldn't have!"

"I FUCKING DID AND NOW SHES GOING TO PRISON!" Peter's fists were shaking as if he was about to punch Tony. "Get out of my face, Tony."

Tony opened his mouth but was cut off by Peter shoving him back towards his suit. "You say other people would have handled her but no one would have. You think you would have? You only do stuff for the glory. You don't give two fucks about anyone but yourself"

"That's enough kid. Give me the suit."


"Give it to me or I'll take it."

Rage overcame Peter and all he could see was red. "I said NO!" Peter pushed Tony but didn't realize the strength he had used to push Tony.

Instead of Tony crashing into his suit he got pushed off the building entirely.

'Oh my god I just killed ironman. oh god... No, his suit will save him. But if the suit saves him then I'll go to jail for attempted murder.'

Peter heard the loud screams of Tony falling through the air and grabbed Tony's Ironman suit and destroyed it. No witnesses.

A faint CRACK was heard below him and the screaming stopped. Tony Stark was dead.

Peter Parker killed Tony Stark.

Spider-Man killed Ironman.

...And honestly, Peter didn't have an ounce of regret.

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