Week 2. Group date

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It was the morning of the group date and everyone was wondering if there would be one, due to the fact that they did not receive a date card the previous day.

Most of the boys were gathered around the pool, talking about what they thought would happen.

"Maybe she will surprise us by showing up here?" Theo told the others. "I mean, I have never seen in the history of the show, that they don't give out a date card the day before."

Taron nodded his head. "There must be an explanation for that. It was really weird that yesterday we were like sitting around waiting for that date card and it never came."

"Wait, so there is no group date today? Or what?" Colton asked the other. He was probably extremely confused, and didn't really understand what was going on, because he was on his one on one yesterday.

"Yeah, we were all kinda waiting for that knock on the door, but there wasn't one and we were constantly checking the door in hopes that there it was and we never heard the knock." Rob explained to Colton.

"Hey Colton, did you notice something out of the ordinary yesterday?"

"Not at all. She was just her happy self. There was nothing out of the ordinary. That's weird."

The boys kept talking about what they thought until Chris Harrison came into the house.

Hello gentlemen, please join me in the living room." Everybody stood up and exited the pool and then went inside the house. "So, I know almost everyone, if not all of you is wondering why there wasn't a date card delivered to you yesterday, so you don't know what is going on. The only thing I can tell you, is that this letter from Alanna will clear things up. When you are done reading it, there is a van outside the house to take you to your destination." He placed the card on the table. "I'll se you guys around. Good luck."

Colton was the one who got up from the couch and grabbed the letter. He opened it and started reading it.

"Hey guys! I know you are probably wondering what is going on and why there wasn't a date card yesterday. Am I right, or am I right? Anyway, although there wasn't a date card, there will be a date. But, I won't be able to be there. Not because I don't want to, because believe me, I do, but because I can't be there. Something came up last minute and I had to fly overnight to New York and that's where I will be when you read this. Before I continue writing and you continue reading, I want to tell you that I am so sorry. I wish I could be there right now, but unfortunately I can't. I promise I will make it up to you somehow.

I don't want this day to go to waste, so you will be going bowling to a place I discovered not too long ago, then you will go to the cocktail party. Please enjoy yourselves as if I was there. Have a fun time and a few laughs. Get to know each other, because believe me, some of the people here will become some of your closest friends.

Anyway, I have to go, but before I do that, let me remind you that I am extremely grateful that you are opening your hearts to new experiences and I couldn't be more grateful to be going on this journey with some of the most amazing guys I have ever met. Don't ever doubt that I take for granted our time together, because I don't.
Thanks for understanding and I will see you soon.... hopefully.

All the love,
Alanna. xx

Ps. This date if for Will, Shawn, Theo, Bill, Rob, Josh, Charlie, Alexander, and Isaac. Have fun!!"

"Well, there you have it." Colton told the other boys.

"Oh boy, that's a bummer. I was really hoping to see her today, but I understand." Shawn said.

"Well I don't understand. She was supposed to be here. That's the whole point of the show, to go on dates with her and get to know her. How am I supposed to get a rose, if she's not here? Is she that lazy that she just sent a stupid letter instead of being here?" Josh said angrily looking at Shawn.

"Dude, it's not like she decided to ditch us, she had something to do. Stop being a jerk."

That made Josh more angry, so he got up and marched towards Shawn.

"Don't you dare call me names, you don't know who you are messing with, so stop it."

Shawn stood up from his place and faced Josh.

"I'm not scared of you. So if you want to threaten me or intimidate me, go on, because I'm not scared of you."

Taron was the one who stood up and stood between Josh and Shawn.

"Hey, hey. Stop it. Just go get ready for your date. Don't start something you cannot finish. So stop it right now."

Everyone went to their rooms so they could get ready and when they were, they left the mansion and climbed into the van that was waiting for them.

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When they arrived to the bowling place, there was already a private section for them.
Everyone asked for their shoes and started playing.

They were having fun. They were laughing, drinking, playing and everything seemed to be going perfect.

Although everyone was having a good time, you could notice the deathly glares between Shawn and Josh. It was evident that they didn't like each other.

This was probably going to be the thing that ruins the time and relationships between the boys and Alanna.
But only time could tell.

The energy in the room was tense. So Theo decided to address the issue.

"Okay, stop it. I don't know what is going on, but we could literally cut the tension with a knife. Can we just have a good time?"

"Pretty boy, mind your own business." Josh told Theo.

"Dude, I'm asking nicely. You don't have to be a jerk."

"Don't you dare call me anything."

"Hey Josh, just chill. We are having a good time. If you want to be a jerk, then please go, because we are having a good time and you are just ruining that." Alexander told Josh.

"You are just a bunch of f*ucking losers. A bunch of low lives."

After that, he just stormed of.

A little later, a producer approached the guys.

"Gentlemen, Josh has decided to go to the mansion, so we are ending this day a little early. So please return your shoes so we can take you to the mansion and then you can get ready for tonight's cocktail party."

The guys only nodded and did what they were told.

Their night was cut short thanks to the tantrum Josh had.

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