Chapter Two

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1998 (The dates are important! You're not little kids! In this chapter, Peter is 18 and you are 16 going on 17!)

"Wakey wakey!" Peter shook you awake.

You turned over in your bed and covered your head with the blanket. "No." You grumbled.

"Yondu has something for us to do. Get up!" He drew out the 'u' as he stood up on your bed.

"I don't care." You mumbled from under your blanket.

"Get up! Get up! Get up!" He sing songed as he lightly jumped on your bed, making it squeak loudly.

"Stop." You whined. "They're gonna think we're having sex or something." You stated as he jumped higher.

"Well, I wouldn't complain." Peter joked, causing you to uncover your head and stare at him with your eyes squinted. "I'm kidding! Now get your ass up!" He jumped off the bed and landed on his feet.

"Ugh!" You grumbled as you sat up.

"Ah, there's sleeping beauty!" He ruffled your hair.

You hit his hand away. "Not in the mood, Peter." You got your point across as you stood up.

"Damn, who pissed in your cereal?" He questioned jokingly as he sat next to you.

  It was your birthday. Yet again. You hated it just like you hated Christmas or any damn holiday that you're supposed to celebrate with family. You've never had a real family like you always wanted. The only person you had was Peter, but it was hard to tell him about yourself because of the fear of judgment. You didn't want him to think anything less of you because if he did, it could make him distance himself. Your heart would break.

  Peter had always taken care of you from the first day you met. If any of the Ravagers gave you a hard time or threatened to eat you, he'd jump in and threaten them back. To say you had strong feelings for the eighteen year old boy was an understatement. When you were around him, your heart sped up, especially when you were alone with him.

   He lightly slapped a hand on your thigh. "Alright, get dressed. Yondu needs us." He stated, his hand lingered on your thigh a little too long. Not that you minded.

  "Uh-Yeah. Yeah. I'll do that." Your awkwardness was showing as you stood up, which caused his hand to fall from your thigh. You didn't want him to see your blush.

  "Well, I'll be outside waiting for you." He said, sounding a bit disappointed.

  You nodded and waited for him to go. He walked to the door and opened it as you went to your dresser and grabbed your outfit. When the door latched shut, you changed into the red leather clothes.

  The pants were just plain red leather. The shirt you had on was black, but it wasn't really seen because of the red leather jacket. You had grabbed and wrapped your belt around your waist, putting a knife in its holder on your right hip, simultaneously putting your in its holder on your back. The pants had built in gun holsters. You grabbed your phaser and put it in your right thigh holster.

  You walked to your built in bathroom and brushed your teeth and then combed your hair. For a second you just stared at your reflection in the cracked mirror. For some reason, you hated the way you looked. But you couldn't pay much attention to it. You just knew that with your face, Peter wouldn't love you. That was something you'd have to accept.

  You brushed off the thought and made your way out of your room, humming a song that you had heard from Peter when he listened to his Walkman. It was called Hooked On A Feeling. When you opened the door, you realized that Peter wasn't there like he said he'd be.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now