Chapter Three

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     2008 (Peter is 28 and you are 26)

You had been up since the crack of dawn. Your thoughts had taken a hold of you. The pilot's chair seemed to be the only way to clear your mind. So, any time you couldn't sleep, or you had too much on your mind, your new best friend was the pilot's chair. You didn't know why. Maybe it was because it had Peter's scent on it. Maybe it was because that was Peter's favorite place on the Milano, like it was in every ship. Maybe it was because you wanted Peter to walk out of his room and ask if you were okay, and eventually you'd tell him that no, you weren't okay because the man you were so desperately in love with, didn't feel the same. You'd want tell him that it hurt to see him come come with different women all of the time. It hurt you to see him flirt with other women.

  You sat down and placed your left hand on wheel, rubbing it with your thumb. If there was any chance that Peter felt something for you, he would've said something by now. Hell, it's been ten years since the realization of how in love you were with him. He would've made a move if he loved you.

  Why couldn't you be as pretty as those other girls? What made you so bad that Peter didn't love you the way you did him? You'd give anything for Peter to tell you he loved you. Then you'd tell him back. But love was a luxury you couldn't afford.

  "God, what's wrong with me?" You asked yourself as you put your head in your hands. You knew you couldn't put all the blame on Peter. You hadn't seemed to make a move either. You were too awkward and afraid to even kiss him on the cheek, to even hint at your feelings.

  At least he took you with him when he got the Milano. To him it seemed like it wasn't even a question. After he got it, he told you to pack up, and without question you did. You didn't even know that you were leaving until Peter started the ship up and took off. But you didn't even ask why you were leaving. You trusted him, so to you, wherever you went didn't matter as long as you were with him.

   "(Y/n)?" That wonderful, deep, tired voice says from behind you.

  Your head jerked towards his direction. You didn't mean it! You didn't mean that you'd actually tell him all of that stuff about loving him! You take it back!

  "Uh-Hey, Peter. What are you doin' up?" You questioned as he sat in your co-pilot chair.

  "I was about to ask you the same thing." He said, rubbing his eyes.

His tired voice was so sexy, so warming. It made you want to just sit on his lap and kiss him. But what you wanted didn't matter.

"Just thinkin'." You quietly spoke.

"What's on your mind?" His hands were on his eyes, wiping the tired from them.

Shit! You couldn't tell him you were thinking about how you wished he loved you. You couldn't tell him that you came out to his pilot's chair because it gave you the attention from him that you craved.

"Oh-uh-Nothing really. Just-um-Just thinking about our next mission." You lied straight through your teeth.

"You sure?" He questioned, looking up at you.

Your eyes met his green orbs. It's like he could see right through you, right through your lies. You were an open book when it came to Peter. You'd tell him anything if he'd ask, and that was probably your worst quality.

"Yeah." You nodded. "M'sure."

A couple seconds of silence went by with you and Peter just looked at one another. He looked so good with his messy bed head and no shirt. He'd walked around with no shirt on sometimes, and it would make you speechless.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now