Chapter Four

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"Peter!" You shouted as you hurried to find him, fear swam in your body and adrenaline rushed through your veins.

The two of you were on a mission that went south. All you had to do was steal something small from these not-so-skilled people. The two of you decided not to go the violent route since those people were mostly peaceful. Until provoked.

The two of you had gotten split up as you were running away with their prized bracelet that granted a single wish to whomever held it. Peter put the bracelet in his small back pack, so they were mainly after him.

  You had escaped the guards of the bracelet by shooting your phaser at them. It wasn't enough to kill them. Killing them wasn't what you wanted. After all, they were only trying to protect something dear to them.

  After your escape, you were running around the weird blue forest, looking for your best friend...who you also loved...hopelessly.

"Peter!" You shouted again, your heart starting to drop. "Come on. Come on. Please!" You begged.

  "(Y-)-ah shit-(y/n)!" You finally heard him.

  Relief washed over you as you attempted to follow his voice. "Keep talking!" You shouted.

  "Over here!" His voice sounded closer as you rushed towards it.

  That's when you saw him. Laying on the ground...bleeding. "Peter, oh my god!" You exclaimed, rushing to his side and sitting on your knees next to him.

  "Hey, Sweetheart." His voice almost sounded like a whisper as he clutched his chest.

  "Peter, h-what-What happened?" You asked as you moved his hand.

  His chest had a huge hole in it. Whatever got him definitely went through his heart. Tears coated your cheeks as you looked into his eyes.

"Put pressure on it. We're close to the Milano." You demanded, trying to clear your head.

  "(Y/n), I'm not-"

  "I swear to god, Peter, if you say you're not gonna make it, I'll save you somehow and then kill you!" You exclaimed as tears fell.

  He took in a deep breath and nodded. "But I have to tell you something." He gasped as you helped him up.

"Save your breath. I know the basics. I'm your best friend, you'd be lost without me, I know all of it." The words that were coming out of your mouth seemed rude, but they were all filled with love. Though it still pained you that you were only his friend and nothing more. But at that moment, it didn't matter. What mattered was Peter surviving.
  He gave a pained chuckle. "No, I was gonna-" he let out a painful grumble as you both made it to the Milano.

  You didn't pay attention to his pain because all that mattered was somehow saving him. You both walked on the Milano, and you tried to put him on the ground near the door lightly, but you dropped him. He hissed in pain.

  "Shit. Sorry, Peter."  You apologized as you turned around and started looking for anything to help him.

  "(Y/n), will you just listen to me for a second?" He asked in a stern tone.

  You stopped in your tracks and turned towards him. With a nod, you knelt beside him. "Make it quick. We have to-"

  "Just stop, okay?" He said softly, grabbing your hand and placing it on his chest wound.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now