Chapter Ten

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Sitting alone in the quiet can take a toll on you. You've been sitting by yourself in your old room just thinking about what's to come. All of you are about to fight Ronan who's crazy strong. Yeah, you've fought some Kree before on your solo missions, but he's different. He's way stronger. You've come to terms with dying by his hand if it happens. But what you haven't come to terms with is your friends dying by his hand. That will not happen. You'll do anything you can to stop that from happening, even if that means you get yourself killed. You care about all of them too much to let them die.

"Hey. You okay?" A voice brings you out of your depressing thoughts.

You look up and spot your genius raccoon friend. "Yeah...yeah I'm good. Just, uh, a little tired." You lie as Rocket walks through the door that you swear was closed.

"Yeah, m'not buyin' it. What's up?" He questions, walking up to the bed, and hopping on.

Your eyes scan his little furry face. He's your friend now. That means you can tell him what's bothering you. But Rocket usually doesn't care for sentimental crap.

"I am Groot." That deep voice says as the owner walks into the room.

"Hey, Groot." You smile up at him as he walks up to you and Rocket.

"Tell me." Rocket demands gently.

You shake your head and comply. "I'm just worried about losing you guys is all. I know you can fight and hold your own, but there's always a chance you could get killed."

Rocket stays quiet for a second, his eyes studying your face for answers. "Are you kidding me?" He stand sup on your bed. "You and Quill gave that whole speech on needing our help, and now you're worried about us?"

"I am Groot."

"So what if they can't do it by themselves? They got us into this." He slams his hands down by his sides.

Is he seriously mad at you? "No matter how I feel, Rocket, we needed your help. We still do."

"What I'm tryin' to get at is that you don't need to worry about us. We got this. We're a team now, and we've got each other's back." He sits down again, looking at his feet. "And what about you?" He looks up at you.

  "What about me?" You question.

   "I am Groot."

  Your head turns towards your favorite Flora Colossus. He just said we all care about you. A smile appears on your face.

  "What he said." Rocket clears his throat. "We're all worried about each other, (y/n). I'm especially worried about you."

  Your eyebrows grow close together. "Why are you worried about me?"

"Because you're so willing to let yourself die in the place of your friends." He hops off the bed. "When you're careless about whether you live or die, that worries us all."

  "I'm not careless about that. I just don't want my friends to die, Rocket. I've never had a real family like a do now. All of you mean the world to me. I can't let you guys die." You admit, standing up.

  "I am Groot." His tone is soft.

  Your head jerks towards Groot. He just said 'we can't let you die either'.

"Exactly." Rocket concurs. "You we can help one another, but just don't be so quick to put yourself on death row, okay?"

  With a sigh, you answer. "Fine. But I can't promise that if I know you're about to die, that I won't step in."

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now