Chapter Twenty

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  Aragon sits in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours. "This lesson is a bit harder than yesterday's. In order to enter someone's mind, you have to connect with them first." Aragon explains.

"How do I do that?" You question, the cool air of the large mountain nipping at your nose.

"When you lock minds with someone, they feel it too. They most likely won't know they feel it until you bring it up." He continues.

That's when you feel it. A small buzzing feeling in the back of your head. It doesn't hurt, but it feels like a small vibrating pressure.

"When you Lock minds with someone, you too will feel it. So, all you must do is focus. Feel the waves radiating off of whoever it is you're interlocking with. Be calm. Listen. For this lesson, I will remove our connection. To you, I'll just be some illiterate creature." His words flow so easily. Obviously, he knows what he's talking about, but even if you were the smartest person in the world, you would have trouble explains things.

  "Okay, but how do I feel the waves?" You ask, your eyes trailing Aragon's pearlescent scaled face.

When he doesn't answer, you realize that your lesson is beginning. The buzzing is gone. How the hell are you supposed to do this? As you close your eyes, you take in a deep breath. A tingle rushes down your spine just like it does when you move things with your mind. It's so quiet that you can hear your own heart beating. You feel peaceful at this moment. The only thing you don't feel is the buzzing. This is impossible.

You shake your head as you stand up. "I can't do it." You slam your hands down by your thighs. "How the hell am I supposed to feel the waves?" You inquire, but Aragon doesn't answer. "You're shitting me, right? You're not gonna talk to me unless I make the connection?"

Frustration has always come easy even though you don't enjoy it. You were the same way with Liam. But he told you something that you wouldn't forget. Frustration and anger keep you from doing things you're capable of. It's only there as an obstacle. When you get over it, you're ready.

"Damn it.." You mutter as you start pacing. Aragon is just looking at you as you do so.

  With a sigh, you turn towards him. You close your eyes and calm yourself, getting rid of your doubt and frustration. Your ears take in the sounds around you; The blowing wind, the little creatures scurrying in the small wooded area, your heartbeat. And then you feel it... The buzzing in the back of your brain.

"Aragon, speak to me." You order lightly.

"As you wish." He says as a smile makes its way to your lips. "From this moment on, I will no longer be able to use my power to talk to you. It's up to you to keep the contact between us."

You almost forgot that he loses his power as you gain control of your own. It hurts you a little, but it was meant to happen.

"Will do." You hurry up to him. "Now, please take me back to the palace. Odin has to take me somewhere." You smile.

"Hop on." He says and so you do.

Aragon didn't really shrink for this lesson. He is the size of an elephant at the moment. Of course it's not his biggest size that you've seen, it is just one of them. 

He takes off, flying through the Asgardian air. A smile forms on your face as you look down at your second home. It's so beautiful. The people here are amazing.

"After you meet your mother, we can go back to Peter if you'd like." Aragon says as he flies to the balcony of your room.

"Wait, what? I thought you said—"

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now