Chapter Fifteen

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  Your eyebrows furrow together in confusion. His little girl? What the hell is he talking about? He brings you in for a hug. If you weren't so confused, you would've backed away instead.

  "Wait, father, what are you talking about?" Thor chimes in, Odin letting go of you.

"Do you not remember your little sister, Thor?" Odin questions, his eyes on his son. "She wasn't born that long ago."

  Thor shakes his head, his eyes landing on you. "I'll-I'll give you two time to talk." With that, Thor walks away in a heat of confusion.

  "I don't-" You shake your head. "I don't understand. You're saying that I'm your daughter?" You scoff, taking a step back. "Then why'd you leave me on Earth? Was I that bad of a baby?"

  He shakes his head. "When you were just a baby, you had been stolen from us."

Okay, you feel like a bitch. "Who would steal me?" You question.

He sighs softly. "Walk with me."

So you do. He begins walking, you following at his side. "When you were first born, you showed immense power. You had been given the title Goddess of the Mind. Do you know why?" Odin begins, his eye looking around the castle.

You shake your head. You're not that smart, so why Goddess of the mind?

"When you were hungry, food would fly out of every direction at you. When you were angry, you created violent quakes on not just Asgard, but on planets close to it. When you wanted attention, you'd float in the air to make sure everyone saw you..." He stops, looking over at you. "All of it was done with your mind." He looks down at his shoes. "Your ability combatted mine." He looks up at you. "I was afraid for Asgard's safety, so I created something to dampen your power. I called it Etonia. It would only dampen your power until a certain age, and I promised myself I would help you conceal and control it when you were old enough, but I couldn't."

  His eyes are soft, as if they're saying 'I'm sorry'. "Your nursery was built specifically to dampen your power. Not many knew of where we kept you. Only ones we trusted." He looks down at his hands. "But one night, as we were all resting, someone had stolen you...someone we trusted." His eyes meet yours again. "They wanted to use you as a puppet to take over a planet, and rule it mercilessly." He begins walking again.

"Why didn't you look for me?" You question, almost regretting it instantly.

"Believe me, child, we did. We searched everywhere for you." He says as the two of you make it to a balcony that overlooks Asgard. "Eventually, we had found your kidnappers, but not you. They had told us that they hid you, and when they were ready, they would go to you." Odin looks upon Asgard. "They were killed..."

"Why haven't I been able to use one of my abilities? I've been able to heal others for a year, but this new one comes and goes as it pleases." You fold your arms over your chest.

He looks over at you and sighs. "I assume your kidnappers had injected you with etonia. Too much of it can suppress your powers for a very long time." He explains, his eyes darting across your face.

All of this seems so convincing, but there's something that doesn't add up. You want to believe him, you really do, but for some reason there's something stopping you.

You shake your head. "Are you sure that you're my father? I mean, you guys are thousands of years old. I'm only 32. Isn't your baby makin' station out of order?"

He chuckles. "Well, Frigga wanted to have a child around, again." He clears his throat and leans on the railing of the balcony. "When you were first born, something else was also born. It came out of nowhere but..."

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now