Chapter Nineteen

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    His eye grows wide. He shakes his head and tried to gather the words to say. "Let us speak outside." He says and then walks towards the door.

You follow behind him until the two of you reach a far hallway. The music is still audible from where you are.

"How did you know of this?" He asks, a bit of fat in his tone.

"Does it matter?" You question with a raised brow.

He shakes his head, and swipes a stripe down his face. "No, I suppose not."

"Why did you lie?" You ask, taking a step back. If he lied to you about your mother, what else has he lied about? "Are you even my father, or was that a lie too?"

He nods. "Of course I'm your father. I understand if you do not trust me, (y/n). Lying about your mother was something I should not have done." He looks down at his feet.

"Then why, huh?" You fold your arms over your chest.

He looks up and sighs. "I didn't want my secret to get out and neither did Frigga. We did not want the people of Asgard to look down upon their King and Queen. They would not trust me." Odin admits.

"So, what? You think I'm just gonna go around and spill your secret? Why the hell would I do that? I mean, hell, I think I should get to know who my real fucking mother is, don't you?" Your words are becoming more aggressive.

He shakes his head and places his hands on your shoulders. "Daughter, I do not think so low of you. But I did not want to tell you while there were many people around. Thor mustn't even know that you do not share the same mother." He takes his hands back to himself and puts his head down for a second. "I had been seduced so effortlessly by your mother. She was so beautiful yet strong." He looks into your eyes.

"Who is she?" You question lightly.

"Freya. Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, wealth, divination, and magic. It explains why you are as powerful as you are, and as beautiful as you are. You share part of her power." He explains.

Apparently, you share power with your mother. That's great! You could find your mother and ask her to teach you some things! It's such a relief that you do have a mother.

"You better not be lying to me." You say softly yet stern enough to get your point across.

He shakes his head. "Never again will I keep another secret from you."

A question remains in your mind though... "How did you hide the secret?" You question.

"Frigga was rather good with magic. She made it look as if she were pregnant, an illusion. After Freya had you, we discussed where you would live. We both agreed that it would be better for you to live in the castle, and believe that you were the daughter of Frigga." He explains, resting against the wall.

"So, she didn't want me?" Tears sting your eyes at your own words. "What else is new?" You scoff, fighting the tears back.

He shakes his head. "She wanted to be your mother so badly. She just knew that you would have a better life in the castle. At the time, she lived in the castle, and trained our Valkyries. Your mother was the best soldier we ever had, and I believe I fell in love with her, but I also love Frigga." His eyes begins to tear up at the memories that seem to be playing through his mind. "I committed adultery, but I loved two women. They meant the world to me."

"I wasn't planned was I?" You question, even though you know the answer.

He shakes his head, taking your hand in his. "But that does not mean we did not love you."

"Where is she? I want to find her." You speak.

"She lives in a house called Sessrumnir. On a field where most of our battles take place. After what happened, she left to live there so she wouldn't have to feel the pain." He answers, his eyes trailing around your face. "You look so much like her."

"I want you to take me to her." Your tone isn't quite demanding. It's mostly soft.

   You understand now. Everything is piecing itself together. Odin had a fling with Freya for a while behind Frigga's back. When Freya got pregnant, it was time to tell Frigga. She was probably angry as hell, but decided to help him be seen as a loyal King. She used magic to look pregnant, and fooled everyone.

"I will take you to her tomorrow, I promise." He smiles softly.

You nod. "Thank you." You begin walking away. Of course you're ticked that he lied to you, but he's still your father whether you like it or not.

"After your lesson with Aragon." He voices when you're about five feet away from him.

You stop in your tracks and turn on your heel. "The lesson can wait." You're getting seriously aggravated right now.

He shakes his head. "I will agree to take you after our lesson. I do not think you have any idea how powerful you are. You need to learn how to control it before it controls you."

Before it controls you? It seemed to be controlling you before by showing up when it wanted to. He's right. "Fine." You turn around and continue walking.

When you reach your room, you grab your watch from the nightstand as you use your mind to close the door. You call Peter as you start pacing.

"Hey, sweetheart." Peter's voice calms you a bit.

You grab the image and make it to where his whole body is made into the hologram. "Hey." You bite your lip.

  His eyes are wide as they trail up your body. Peter's eyes meet yours. "(Y/n), you look amazing. I don't think I've ever seen you so dressed up before." He smiles, shoving his hands in his pockets like a nervous little boy.

You smile. "Thanks." You clear your throat. "So, how's life on the Milano?" You question.

He nods. "Pretty good, but we all wish you were back." He takes a seat and the chair becomes part of the hologram. "How's Asgard?"

You shrug. "My father lied to me, and told me that my mother was Frigga, who's dead." You begin pacing. "My real mother is Freya. She's alive."

"Tell him to let you meet her." He says as he stands up.

"I did. He told me he would take me after my lesson with Aragon." You speak as he walks closer to you. Your eyes trail upwards from his chest, to his eyes. You miss Peter so much. His scent always comforted you when nothing else would. His eyes always made you feel safe.

"Then you have nothing to worry about, right?" He looks down at you with a slight grin.

"I guess not." You shrug. "But what if she doesn't wanna see me?"

He chuckles, shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure your mother loves you, sweetheart. Don't worry about stuff like that. You are an amazing woman, and anyone is lucky to even be in your presence."

A blush rises on your cheeks at his words. "I love you." You declare softly.

"I love you too, sweetheart." He leans down to kiss you, but realizes you're just a hologram to him right now.

You wish you could kiss him right now. You miss the fireworks that always go off when your lips meet his. But you don't have much longer until you're home.

Written In The Stars: Peter Quill X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now