The old

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Bella had all about had enough.

She pulled at her hair in frustration.
Mom and her step dad were once again, at each others throats.
The screaming never seeming to end.

Bella was a child of divorce.

Her real dad was a good guy but mom and him married far too young and she left with baby Bella when Bella was just 6 months old to live with her parents,fast forward 16 years and mom was married to Phil.
Dad tried to visit as much as he could, but I was in Arizona and he was in a small town in Washington called Forks.

"I told you last month they might be cutting some of the staff down, I told you I could be one of them!" Bella heard her mom yell from downstairs.

Her mom and Phil never used to fight so much but mom had lost her job at the Diner she was waitressing at and money was tight,with Phil being a minor league baseball player, money wasn't flowing in at a steady rate.

Which is why I decided to go live with my dad, Charlie.

One less mouth to feed.

It wasn't just that, I wanted to get to know my dad and not just see him on summer breaks. Truth be told, I missed him. He was a good father, emotionally aloof sometimes but where it counted, Bella knew he'd always be there for her.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mom too death,but majority of the time I was the adult in the relationship. From balancing paychecks to making sure her car was filled with gas and as well as making sure there was food on the table each night, it can be a bit too much. But I don't resent my mom for any of that, it's just made me mature a lot faster.

I wasn't leaving much behind other than my mom. I had no friends at school just acquaintances that I shared classes with sometimes small conversations.
I was bit of a recluse, I'm shy and not too fond of the social aspect of life.

"Bells, are you all packed? I think it's best we leave now, I need to get out this house for a bit." My mother peaked in my doorway , breaking me from my thoughts.

"Sure mom, got everything right here." I pointed at my well used backpack.

"Go say bye to Phil ,I'll go start the car." She turned and walked down the stairs.

I gave my room one final glance and went to say bye, truth is I was going to miss my room. It was my safe haven.
I turned into the kitchen and saw Phil hunched over the table with a beer in one hand and his head in the other, he looked at me as I walked and gave me a sad smile,
"Don't worry about your mom and I, we're just a bit tense. I hope you know you will always have a home here with your mom and I, no matter what. You're a good kid, Bells." He gave me a one armed hug as I awkwardly hugged him back from that angle.
"I know. And thanks for looking after me for all these years. I truly appreciate it." ,I mumbled with a red face.
Phil chuckled and patted my head," Kid, you were the least troublesome teenager I've ever encountered,I got more grief from your mom than you. Now hurry,you know how impatient she is."

I gave him one last hug and ran to the car before mom blew a casket.
Well,when I say run, I mean trip a few times before falling 'gracefully' into the car.

The ride was tense, so I knew to keep my mouth shut until we got to the airport.

"Bells I hope you're no-."

I cut my mom off before she could carry on,
"Mom, I want to stay with dad. Pure choice on my part. And yes ,I know there will always be a home with you and Phil here but I want to be with dad before I go off to college. Who knows, I might make a friend there."

Mom smiled and laughed, "You'd have to leave your room Bells and actually talk to people."

"Ugh, the horror." I melodramatically shivered, although the thought of talking to people could make bile rise up in my throat.

Mom laughed, I could see a bit of tension leave her. The rest of the trip was quiet each lost in our own thoughts.

What did Forks have in store for me?

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