3. Destructive hurricanes.

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Two empty chairs awaited us by a table full of boys.

I slapped on my lips the biggest smile of all time the closer we got to the boys as I prepared myself to give my sincere greeting to each, and every one of them. Well... except Luke since I'd already met him earlier but, yeah.

My eyes did a fast swoop at everyone around the table to determine who was who but before I could really finish, Suzy took my arm and rounded the table to where the two empty chairs sat.

"Hey boys," she said as she pulled out the chair closest to Luke, leaving me to pull out the other one between her and a good-looking blond guy.

"Hi," I chipped in as I slid out the chair as well and sat down. My smile still in place only this time, it wasn't the broaden I had before. This time it felt a little awkward. Don't ask me why, because I don't have the answer for you.

Only Luke and the blond guy said hi to me in return. The curly, dark-haired guy between them, only allowed the smallest curled of his pink almost red lips upward in what he must have thought was a smile and a little wave of his hand.

Something was familiar about him.

No, not him. Something was familiar about his eyes.

"Let me introduce you guys."

Before I could think more about where I'd seen those piercing eyes, Suzy swooped in and planted her hand on my shoulder. "This is my best friend, Amelia. Amelia, you already know Luke," she said, then her eyes moved to the guy sitting next to me. "That one is Leo." She pointed to the blond guy.

"Hi." I turned my attention to the cute blond- Leo to my right and awkwardly waved my hand. In turn, his light brown eyes ran across my whole body before they settled on my face. He smiled. The deepest of the dimples appeared on both sides of his cheeks giving him the sweetest look, almost boyish and the moment his eyes lit up as he gave me his hand to shake, I knew we were going to be good friends.

"Hello to you too, beautiful."

His dimpled smile intensified. My small one also broadened into a bigger one as we continued looking at each other, grinning ear to ear like two idiots. I know, don't even ask me what was happening because again, I don't know.

"Okay, moving on," Suzy interrupted our longer than necessary handshake. Pointing a finger across from me, she introduced, "Logan."

Right, the one who was basically illegal according to her.

Now, I'm not saying I would agree about the illegal part but, I will say this. She was right about him being gorgeous alright. Hot, with hair that would make you want to run your fingers over his scarp over and over. Soft and curly. But, the most striking feature was his eyes.

Have you ever had somebody looking at you and you start feeling self-conscious? Like they could see through your soul? Well, his eyes made me feel like he could see my soul, my thoughts, hell, probably even the pancakes I stuffed myself with that morning.

Earthy green, like the hues of the forest surrounded by the darkest of moss. Which really brought a sense of déjà vu once I locked my dark ones to his.

I hadn't even realized I was still staring at him until he creased his thick eyebrows and cocked his head to the side, the action that caused the front mop of his black curls to sway closer to his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Another déjà vu hit me like a hard wave across my face. 'Too slow.' was the word that rang in my ears repeatedly until it was all I could hear. I creased my forehead in confusion before the realization caused me to slowly narrow my eyes until they hit the point of fuming.

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